About a month ago the kids sang in the Primary Program at church. Later that day I had them perform some of the songs in front of the camera so I could send the video clips to my brother serving a mission in Thailand.
Clip #1: I am a Child of God
Elizabeth is not in primary, and won't be for a few years, but she still wanted to sing along with the older kids. For the first part of the clip, she's just playing around with her dress, but then about halfway through she remembers that I had told them to sing loudly, so she picks it up a notch. (For the record, that is also how she sang during the actual program that she was not a participant in, singing along to all the songs from the back of the chapel.
Clip #2: I am a Child of God solo by Rachel
This one is kind of a jazzy version, in which she also has to fight off a light-saber attack from Elizabeth during the singing.
Clip #3: I am a Child of God, Once More Because of Course Now Elizabeth has to do a Solo
Yes, that is her real voice. Yes, it always sounds like that. Yes, it makes pretty much everything she says sound hilarious.
Clip #4: My Future Missionaries
Oliver and Tristan trying their best to come up with some sort of tune.