Thursday, February 5, 2009

Scoot, scoot. . .cough, cough. . .

Henry started scooting a few weeks ago (before that, he just rolled everywhere), but he's kind of funny about it. Even though he's realized that scooting is currently his best way to get to where he wants to go, for some reason he doesn't like having to do it. He tries to make that clear to us by doing little fake coughs the whole time he's scooting, like "fine, I guess I'll scoot forward, but just so you know, this is very strenuous and I'd rather that you just pick me up and take me there."

Example #1 (yes, pretty much the whole family is cheering him on in the background, but if you wait and listen carefully, you'll hear it):

Henry Scooting from Joanne Mott on Vimeo.

And example #2 (he's incredibly uncoordinated in these clips - he has gotten a little better since then):

Henry Scooting (2) from Joanne Mott on Vimeo.

I thought that his little coughing act was limited to just scooting, but it turns out it's not - he's been learning how to sit up this last week, and any time I try to practice with him, he makes sure to do lots of little coughs so I know he's not enjoying himself (I promise he's not sick - the coughs are very fake and forced and he reserves them for specific times).

Here he is yesterday with Tristan. This clip isn't the best example of his coughing (he only throws a few in there at the end), but I wanted to post it because I thought Tristan was so cute in it:

Henry Sitting from Joanne Mott on Vimeo.


Poppy said...

That is so funny! It's amazing how early on they learn how to be fakers! They are little manipulators right from the start! I guess it's part of their survival instinct or something!

Laura said...

so cute, joanne! and i love the blue jacket. it takes me back to the liesel/gwynnie days of wearing it. and he will be good friends with pace, who is a champion faker. right now he does little sniffs and big sighs to show he's somehow 'wounded in spirit'. i am so excited to see you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhh--it's almost too much to bear to wait. good thing you are coming in april and not may. you are, right? did i get it wrong?
anyway, tristan is so great in the video. i feel like i'll be meeting him all over again because it's been so long since i've seen him. okay, i'll go now.

Marian said...

so cute, jos. i love the coughing. and i agree, tristan is so cute in that video. i can't believe how much he's grown up since i've seen him. he seems like such a nice guy.

Amberlie and Anthony said...

Joanne you guys have the cutest, sweetest kids! its so fun to see your vidoes and hear stories of them. I hope to someday be the amazing journal writing/blogger you are:) Look forward to seeing you guys again. We love you.

Beccarigg said...

Okay, we are TOTALLY setting Brinley up with Henry! He is the CUTEST! Man he is cruising with his little scoot crawl! I mean that guy is covering some serious ground! Brinley still just inchworms everywhere and she's too lazy to get very far. I love that he goes for the remote control. I can put a dozen colorful and exciting baby toys on the floor but if the remote control is anywhere to be seen that's what she goes for! I wonder what makes it so appealing?

I love his little cough too, he's totally letting you know that he's doing it because he has to, not because he wants to : ) This is such a fun stage! I'm glad we're both experiencing it at the same time!

Jesse said...

Very cute indeed. We used a remote to get Grant moving too. A perfect carrot to put at the end of the stick.

KarenB said...

I LOVE the videos. I can't believe how much he has grown! I love how your whole family was right there cheering him on. It's so fun to see how exited the older kids get when their little baby starts doing things. It's neat to see how much they love him. Tristan is so cute. I sure miss them and very much miss you. Love you!

Gretchen said...

I sitting here with Charlie and I have tears because the last time I saw Henry he was about the same age as my newborn baby and now look at him. Where did all the time go. i also love the clip with Tristan. I was thinking that he had changed so much but was so happy when he did his cute little laugh. It made me feel better to realize that in some ways they stay the same.