Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"EARWACK" - The New Ultimate Insult

Oliver said something pretty funny yesterday. I was laughing so hard, I hope I didn't make him feel bad.

He and I had been playing a silly little game, where we called each other funny things, but instead of saying the words, we had to spell them out (a good way for him to practice spelling, right?).

It started out with me saying, "Oliver, you are so s-m-a-r-t!" And then he answered something like, "Well, Mom, you are c-r-a-z-y!". And I would say, "You are s-a-n-t-a c-l-a-u-s." And he'd say, "Well, you are a l-i-t-t-l-e e-l-f."

Anyway, it went on and on, and the names kept getting sillier and sillier, at least on Oliver's side. Leave it to Ollie to win a game of pure silliness. Pretty soon we got to where he said I was a "b-a-n-a-n-a wearing a d-i-a-p-e-r" (except he spelled it "diper"). At that point, I was about ready to be done with the game because it was time for the kids to take a nap, but Oliver was having so much fun he did not want to stop. I took the girls upstairs and started getting ready to read them a book, and Oliver followed along, still spelling out words the whole time.

Then he got to his grand finale: "Mom", he said, "You are just one big E-A-R-W-A-C-K!"

Me (laughing): What?! What is an earwack?

Oliver: You know - one of those things in your ears?

Me (laughing harder): Oh! Like earwax?

Oliver: Yeah! You have lots of earwacks in your ear, and I'm saying you're just ONE of them - an earwack!

By now the realization of his misunderstanding had fully hit me, and I was dying with laughter. He did not really know what he had done, but he thought it was funny that I thought he was so funny, so we laughed together.

I guess I should probably explain to him that the word is actually "earwax", and not "earwacks" (the plural of "earwack"). But yesterday just didn't seem like the right time to have that talk.

I guess I should also apologize for writing a whole post about earwax. I know that is kind of gross. I promise that normally I do not even like to think about it, let alone write about it. I guess that's what having a silly little 5-year old boy does to you.


Beccarigg said...

First of all, the earwack misunderstanding is so hilarious! I remember singing Love one Another in primary when I was that age and wondering what a "shallmannow" was. (from the line, "by this, shall man know")

OK, but seriously, can you please write a book on how to be an amazing, creative, fun, awesome, and totally kick butt mom? Because I would be the first in line to buy it and then I would never let it leave my sight! You do such fun and creative things with your kids, it just blows my mind! A spelling tease game? Pure genius! Where do you come up with this stuff? Anyway, I just love the things you do with your kids, your such a great example!

Gretchen said...

I agree Joanne. I can't tell you how many people say that you should write a book. I love hearing your stories about the kids. You're just so good at capturing the moment on paper. It makes it a little easier living so far away because I feel like when I can read about them I get a glimpse of watching them grow up. I also agree that you are an incredible mother as well as a great woman. You are so inspiring.

Joanne said...

Thanks for the comments - you guys are way too nice. I only wish I was that neat.

Anonymous said...

Haha. I'm laughing so hard now because I wondered the same thing about "shallmannow." Also I really agree about Joanne's skills, she has this really great story telling ability too, she really seems to capture the moments.