Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I love making big "to-do" lists in the morning so I can check things off as I get them done (or scribble things out as I decide not to do them). I usually either hang these lists up on the fridge or leave them out on the counter so I can see them as I walk by.

A few days ago I learned that this habit can be risky when one has children who can read.

I was in the study about to start making some "important" phone calls when Oliver came in.

Oliver: Hey, Mom, can we decorate our Christmas posters now? (Last week I bought some big posters so we can paint Christmas pictures on them and hang them up in the windows. I thought nobody had noticed that I had been putting off doing them for awhile.)

Me: Um, yeah, just a minute. That's funny that you asked about that - I was actually already planning on doing those today. I just have to call someone first.

Oliver: Who are you going to call?

Me: Just a company.

Oliver: Is it Dish Network?

Me (very surprised): Yes, it is Dish Network, actually. How in the world did you know that?

Oliver: I just saw it on a list. It said you were going to call Dish Network today.

Me: Well, you're right. That's exactly who I'm calling.

Oliver: But Mom, on the list it says "decorate Christmas posters" BEFORE it says "call Dish Network".

I think I will be hiding my lists in the future.

The posters turned out great. I drew the outlines and Tristan and Oliver painted them in. All of the kids came with me this morning when I took Tristan to school so we could drive on the street behind our house and admire our handi-work (and take pictures, of course).

They were sufficiently satisfied with the visibility of our decorations from the road - no more little crayon drawings for this family, I guess.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

Very cute. Oliver must have been thrilled.