Saturday, December 1, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Okay, Poppy . . I didn't forget that I'm supposed to be doing this. It's just been a little busy around here. Plus, it took me a long time to think of seven interesting or little-known facts about myself. Plus, I'm a little nervous about writing about myself on the blog - it's much easier to write about my kids.

Here you go, though: Seven facts about myself that might not be that interesting but at least they are not well-known. Unless you are a member of my family, and then you probably know all of these things.

1) I stick out my tongue while I draw. I can't help it. It just pops out there. Even if I consciously try to keep my tongue in my mouth with my mouth tightly closed, as soon as I focus on my drawing again, out it comes. My son Oliver inherited this trait. I think it's very funny to watch him. It makes me a little proud.

2) I hate mustard, pickles, olives, and Cheetohs. My kids cannot believe that I do not like these wonderful things. They are usually deprived because I don't like to buy them. When I do, they love to make sandwiches with pickles and mustard on them and make me smell them, because they think it's sooo funny that I can't stand these things. (I should probably admit that I haven't actually tasted olives or Cheetohs since I was a very young child, but I can just tell from the looks of them that they are still gross.)

3) I like reading Louis L'amour books. My grandpa started me on them when I was young and I got hooked. Even now that I should know better and have realized that all his cowboy stories are pretty much the same, I still just love reading about those Sackett boys.

4) I can't snap. This is very embarrassing to admit. My six-year old can snap and has tried to teach me. I'm pretty sure I used to be able to, as a kid, but why can't I now? How did I just lose that skill? Will I one day wake up and not be able to ride a bike?

5) I can hold my breath for a really long time underwater. I am hoping that this skill will come in useful when I grow up and become a dolphin trainer at SeaWorld, because that is my dream job. (Not that I am unhappy about my current job as a mother to my four wonderful children - I'm just saying that someday it would be really neat.)

6) When I was four years old I started seeing double - I could see two of everything. It was very weird. My parents were really worried because the doctors didn't know what was wrong with me, but I don't remember if I realized it was a big deal. I just remember getting lots of test done, and when I went in the MRI tunnel my mom held onto my foot and sang Primary songs to me. I had to wear a patch over one eye for awhile, like a pirate. After about 5 months it went away and I could see normal again.

7) I talk in my sleep. When I was younger, my older sister whom I shared a room with said that I would start talking every night around the same time. She thought it was very entertaining. I also did a lot of sleep-walking. As I got older I grew out of the sleep-walking, and I thought I grew out of talking in my sleep, too, but Daniel has informed me that it still regularly occurs.

So, there you have it. I don't know how long I'll leave this post up, because I might have second thoughts about all this personal information being available to just anyone, and I'll come and delete the whole thing.

I just realized that I'm supposed to tag someone else now, and I had not thought of that before I started writing. Is there a rule that I HAVE to tag someone? I have seen a few different kinds of blog tag, all with different rules, so I will just pretend that I am playing the kind that you can write your facts and then be done. If you are one of my friends who really wants to get tagged, send me a secret email or something. Or just pretend that I tagged you and start writing.


Poppy said...

That is so funny. I think you need to keep it up. There is nothing that is too embarrassing. I just used acrylic paint on the windows and it scrapes right off with a razor blade. We had a lot of fun painting it. I drew the outline and let the kids fill in (and then I went back over it to smooth it out a bit.) Easy, cheap and festive. A sponge brush works best. You guys look like you had a blast the past week or so. How's Laura? she didn't respond to my email. Is she holding up ok? I can't wait to see pics of your front window! Sorry that was really long!

Jennifer M said...

Glad I caught this before you delete it! And now I can say that I wasn't the only little girl who had to wear a black patch over one eye. We must be kindred spirits.

Joanne said...

No way! That's crazy. What's the story?

Actually, I don't know if you'll see this. Do people come back and check comments to their comments?