Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rachel's "Good Move"

I love it when my kids try to do little tricks on me and then they really think that I actually fall for it. It gets even better when they enlist my help in carrying out the trick, and then still think that they fooled me. Rachel explains her tricks to me all the time before she goes through with them.

On Sunday Rachel had picked out a Christmas dress to wear to church. She and I were looking through her shoes to see which ones would match best.

Me: I think your brown boots would look pretty good with this dress.

Rachel: But what about my black ones?

Me: Well, I think your brown ones would match a lot better. Why don't you go get them in your closet and we can try them on?

Rachel: Okay, but Mom - I'm going to do a trick on you.

Me: Oh, okay.

Rachel: Here's the trick - you stay here and close your eyes really tight and DON'T look in my closet and then I will go in my closet and I will SAY I'm putting on my black boots but REALLY I will get my brown boots.

She then walked over to her closet, went inside, and shut the door.

Rachel (from inside closet): Mom, I'm putting on my black boots! Doesn't that make you sad?

Me (playing along): Oh, darn it. I was really hoping you would choose out the brown boots.

Rachel (coming out of closet triumphantly, with brown boots in hand): Ta da! See! It was a trick! Can you believe it? I was really getting my brown boots the whole time!

Me: Wow, you're so tricky!

Rachel: That was SUCH a good move! Wasn't that a good move, Mom?

Me: Well. . . kind of.


Paige said...

I'm glad you were honest at the end. "Well... kind of." You should see me sitting here in the computer lab reading these stories- completely riveted! Keep 'em coming!

Jennifer M said...

Joanne, I'm loving these Rachel conversations. What a hoot!!

KarenB said...

I just have to tell you how much I love your posts. I laugh through all of them. All the kids were laughing and having a great time when I'd read one and they loved the "December to remember" video.

Heather said...

Merry Christmas. I need your guys address. For your late christmas card (sorry) email me Thanks Heather and Casey