Thursday, November 18, 2010


Things we did in October.. .

More football.  Tristan's team is done now, but Oliver's team (the one Daniel coaches) made it to the playoffs, so we could still be going to football practices/games through the end of November.

The kids entertain themselves with their notebooks during the games.

When Oliver's not playing, he is a good sport about drawing Star Wars guys for Henry (Ollie is our resident expert at drawing Star Wars guys).

Daniel's 33rd birthday. 

The kids made several cards, as usual.  Here's one of Oliver's - a dinosaur roaring out the words "Happy Birthday".  I love the little dino chef on the island with the cake.

On the inside he wrote a cute little note and then drew a picture of two dinosaurs imagining blasting off from earth in a rocket, right as a giant asteroid destroys the planet.  At least I think that's what is going on.  I'll have to ask him.  I'm not sure what it has to do with birthdays - I think he just wanted to stick with the dinosaur theme of the card.  He's big on birthday card themes.

Lizza and her friend celebrating at Chick-fil-a after they finished lesson 50 in their reading lesson books.  Elizabeth is now on lesson 80 - only 20 more to go!

Lizza and Henry are good drawing buddies.   

Cynthia/Cindy/Cindy Lou/Lulu.  We love this little girl!  She is my easiest baby ever. 

I love when little newborns lay on their tummy and scrunch their bottoms up, so even when you pick them up they stay in a little bundle. 

One week old:

Cynthia was born 5 days before my 30th birthday - best present ever.  It's weird to think that only ten years ago on my 20th birthday I was 7 months pregnant with Tristan.  Even weirder (scarier?) is that on my 40th birthday I'll have a 19-year old, 18-year old, 16-year old, 14-year old, 12-year old, and 10-year old.   

Here are a millon pictures of all the kids holding Cynthia.

When they weren't holding Cindy, the kids were having fun getting ready for Halloween.  They had mixed feelings about the pumpkin guts.
Rachel's faces were cracking me up.
Henry eventually decided he was going to be brave about it.
They tried on lots of different variations of possible Halloween costumes.  Lizza couldn't decide between a fairy. .

Wonder Woman/Super Girl (with weapons added) . . .

And a mix of the two.

Henry went back and forth between Batman, Darth Vader, and just a regular "fighter guy", as he calls it. Mostly he just wanted to practice "flying" by jumping off the couch in some sort of costume.  Flying is one of his new goals in life - he often includes a "please bless me to fly in the sky" in his nightly prayers.

He decided to make our Halloween more exciting by splitting his head open two days before (he fell at the park).  He had to get six staples in the back of his head.  Getting the staples in was awful (for him and for me).  I'm sure someday he will be proud of his battle wounds, though.

And he was still able to go the ward Halloween party that same night.

Cynthia did not go to the party.  I stuck some bunny ears on her and let her pose by a pumpkin, and that was it for her first Halloween experience.

The annual Halloween candy draft (they dump all their candy into a big pile, sort into different kinds of treats, and then they each get to choose 15 pieces).

I always think it's so funny to see what the first-round picks are.  At least Tristan and Oliver have started choosing from the candy bar pile.

That's pretty much it for October.  I left out the trip to Seaworld that we did the day before Halloween, but I think that's going to have to be a whole different post.


Diane said...

I love your monthly posts, and hearing about your family. I love the pictures. I hope Lizza never loses that infectious smile. That picture of Rachel at the bottom looks like Christine to me! And your new little Cynthia is so beautiful, it's almost not to be believed.

Jesse said...

Oh, your beautiful family! It seriously makes me want to have 10 more kids.

Cori and I discussed, at length, doing a candy draft this year. I even researched your post from last year about it. But then, we ended up with a tons more trick-or-treaters than we were prepared for, and handed out most of the candy obtained from the trunk-or-treat. We were left with a very smallish bowl in the end. But we think it is a perfect idea.

I agree with Diane, little C is unbelievably lovely!

Laura said...

i love all the pictures of your kinds holding cynthia. except that it makes me feel guilty because i haven't taken any pictures of the kids with wells since the hospital. i love her little looks (it seems like she has a new one in each picture) and that she already has little cottage cheese legs.
the candy draft is my favorite part of halloween, too. my kids are doing better and better at picking the "good" (i.e. chocolate) candies the older they get. thank heavens no more nasty eyeball candies!

Audra said...

I loved looking through those pictures. I was sitting here and suddenly my cheeks started to hurt from smiling. I love to see all of them holding their new sister.
I hope you guys really make it for Christmas. That would make it so perfect. Love you.

KarenB said...

I think we'll also adopt your candy draft idea. I mentioned it to the kids and they thought it sounded like fun. We did something similar this year (because I remembered you mentioning it before), but I just had them pick their 15 favorites - there was not sorting or taking turns, etc. I think the whole ritual would make it so much more fun.

Poor little Henry with his staples! That must have been so hard to watch! I was glad to see him look so happy that evening as he went to the ward Halloween party.

I should probably tell you that we come to your blog quite a bit. The kids love for me to click on your videos and to read them your funny posts. They miss your kids and I'm so glad we can stay connected through the internet. I hope I get a chance to see you this December!

I love all of the pictures of Cynthia. She is so beautiful! I loved how you described how they stay in a little bundle when you pick them up. I'm getting all exited for a newborn again. The kids sure seem to be enjoying her.

Happy late 30th birthday! It's still weird for me to see all 6 of your kids in one picture. It's hard to believe that there are so many! Those are six very fortunate little spirits to come to you.

Beccarigg said...

"I just didn't know there was such a thing as this cool of a dad!" Oh my gosh!!! BEST LINE EVER!! Seriously did a belly laugh when I read that. I love your kids, they are so sweet and have such awesome personalities. It's fun reading your blog because even though I haven't seen your kids in almost 5 years or even met the little ones I feel like I know them. They are awesome!

Cynthia is a little doll and I loved looking at all her pics and her fabulous outfit changes! She looks like one LOVED little sister, how fun to have so many little helpers to hold her.

Also loved the Halloween costumes, that pic of Lizza in the blue fairy outfit holding the baby is PRECIOUS! She just looks so pretty and the boots really pull it all together : )

Parley and Katie Call said...

Holy Cow I didn't even know you had her! Where have I been? congrats on your beautiful Cynthia! All of your kids are so good looking.