Friday, August 26, 2011

Out in the Wild

I am working on a post about our road trip, but it is easier to just post something funny that Oliver said today.  They just finished their first week back at school, but he is still clearly in his summer "I want to spend all day catching animals" mode. 

We were driving to the swimming pool this afternoon, when the kids noticed their PE teacher riding her bike along a busy street by our house.  They were very excited (I think it seemed kind of fun to see a teacher in a non-school environment), and they all rolled down their windows and were shouting hello, etc.

After she rode off, Oliver commented, "Wow, that was weird.  I don't think I've ever seen Ms. Craft out in the wild before." 

I was laughing my head off (and so was he, after he thought about what he'd said)


Eliza said...

That is really funny. Made me laugh out loud too!

Beccarigg said...

That's hysterical! I remember seeing my 2nd grade teacher at the grocery store and thinking it was super weird that she wasn't at school. "In the wild" is too funny!

p.s. LOVE your new blog header! Such a great pic of all the kids!

Marian said...

i seriously love this guy. he and weston really would get along so well. can i borrow him for awhile?