Thursday, September 29, 2011

Visit from Cousins

The day we got home from our big road trip, we were met at our house by my sister, her husband, and their six kids.  They were on a road trip of their own, in the middle of a move from Florida to Washington.  We were glad they were able to stay with us for a few days on their way.

It also happened to be the 4th of July.  We couldn’t do any fireworks (because of the drought in Texas everything had been banned), so we just enjoyed a big dinner together and then headed to the pool.

Here are 10 of the 12 cousins eating dinner together (Laura’s two youngest weren’t at the table):2011 07 04_0161

Henry and Pace (4) were best buddies at the pool:2011 07 04_01652011 07 04_0163_edited-1

And Rachel and Gretchen renewed their best friend status right away.  I love how cousin love can just start right up again, no matter how long it’s been since they’ve seen each other.  2011 07 04_0171

They included Lizza in the fun, too:2011 07 04_0168

Lizza playing hide-and-seek behind a pole.  I love this picture – she’s so skinny, it actually does kind of hide her.  2011 07 04_0170

The next day the kids spent a lot of time playing games.2011 07 05_01312011 07 05_0136

Henry and Pace made up their own game, kind of a checkers/chess combo.  I’m not sure how the rules worked on that one.  It looks like the board might not have even been involved, since Henry’s sitting on it.2011 07 05_0132

They also had a lot of fun discussing Lego magazines together:2011 07 05_01372011 07 05_0138

Last year Laura and I were both pregnant with our sixth kids together.  We had almost the same due date, but her little boy was born 2 weeks before Cynthia. I loved seeing them hang out together.2011 07 05_01352011 07 05_01392011 07 05_0140

They remind me of the Siamese twins in Lady and the Tramp (except cuter, of course).  Who, us?  We’re not getting into trouble!  We didn’t just unplug this.  We are completely innocent!2011 07 05_0157

We went back to the pool the second day – it was an easy way to keep all 12 kids entertained.

2011 07 05_0143

2011 07 05_0142

Here are some attempts to get a group shot of all the kids together.  Cindy kept ruining the shots by crawling away.  We gave up on getting everyone to look at the camera at the same time, and decided to just focus on keeping everyone in the picture:

2011 07 05_0149b2011 07 05_01502011 07 05_0147

Back at the house – lots of Lego building.

2011 07 05_01542011 07 05_0155

The next morning it was time to say goodbye, and they continued on their move. 

2011 07 06_01262011 07 06_0127

2011 07 06_0128

I can’t wait until we can come visit you in Seattle (it will be just as much fun, except with maybe less swimming).


Lucy said...

I love all of those cousin line-ups. Hard to believe you already have 6 kids Joanne. I have some catching up to do. I like your comment about how easy it is to catch up where you left off with cousins-- makes me sad I haven't seen you in such a long time. If you go to Seattle I might just have to make the drive to see you!

Marian said...

i love every picture in this post so much! the ones of pace and henry on the couch checking out lego magazines are especially cute. it looks like there are way too many kids in the one of everyone at the pool. i had to count to make sure there were only 12. so fun!

Rebekah said...

so fun! i LOVE the pool line-up ones. that's at least 4 or 5 families, right?! it looks like SO MANY KIDS!

Corinne Ritz said...

So funny, I counted the kids in the group shot too. Those pictures were so great! You should frame one of those group shots and give it to your parents for Christmas. If I was a grandma, I would love something like that.

Laura said...

great post, jos! that was such a fun visit. definitely come visit in seattle. even though we won't be swimming, we will probably get just as wet hanging out in the rain.

Beccarigg said...

Cousin love is a beautiful thing. It's true that it just picks up right where it left off, every time : ) So cute seeing all the kids lined up together at the pool with the babies crawling away. That just makes me happy : ) Oh and Henry and Pace with their lego magazines make me happy too. So cute!