Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cynthia’s 1st Birthday

Cynthia turned one last week, on the 18th.  This year has gone by so fast. 

2010 oct 18_58422010 oct 25_5942                          2011 feb 14_7291                         2011 10 12_0560                

I feel like all of a sudden we don’t have a little baby anymore.

She started out her birthday morning with a special card from Lizza.  Cindy loves birds and dogs, so Lizza drew a picture of each on the inside of the card.  It was a big hit – Cynthia carried that card around all day.2011-10

She also likes flowers, so Tristan made her a little rose out of colorful duct tape.  Cynthia reminds me a lot of how Tristan was as a baby – I hope she turns out as nice as he is.2011-101

Then Henry wanted to pretend that he gave Cindy something, so he stole the rose and posed with it, and requested a picture showing what a nice brother he is, too.  I love Cindy’s face in this one – she’s like, “okay, get off me, kid.  You’re not fooling anyone.”  2011 10 18_0628_edited-1

Rachel and Cynthia, good friends:      2011 10 18_0629

She wasn’t sure why everyone was paying so much attention to her, but she decided she may as well make good use of it and perform some special tricks.2011 10 18_0630

Later in the day, the birthday girl having fun.  She’s been walking for over a month now, so she’s gotten pretty good.  It’s always funny to me to look down and see this little person walking around everywhere:2011-102

We didn’t do presents in the morning because Daniel had a meeting, so we decided to have her open them as soon as he got home from work (and before the boys had to leave for football practice).2011 10 18_0635

A new book from Grandma and Grandpa:2011 10 18_0636

Should I be embarrassed to admit that we didn’t even give her any new toys?  She already has so many, so I just “re-gifted” her a a few toys that the other kids got when they were younger, but nobody has been using.

As I mentioned before, she really loves dogs, so she was super happy about this little pull-along puppy toy (that Oliver got on his 1st birthday).  (And there’s a chance we gave it to Henry on his first birthday, too).  It was new to Cindy, though, and she loved it.2011 10 18_0638

She also was happy about getting this train, which has been out of batteries for about the last 4 years.  I finally bought new batteries, and now it seems like a whole new toy, because she can push the buttons and it moves along and sings loud songs (which might prompt us to remove the batteries again).  She loves to put toys in it and chase it around.2011 10 18_0640

I also caught her trying to ride in it herself.  She would press the button to make it go, and then try to back up to it and plop her bottom in while it was still going.2011 10 18_0669

Then it was time for birthday cake.  She loved the fire on the candle.2011 10 18_0649

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I wasn’t really planning on letting her go to town on the whole cake, but the temptation to touch that frosting was just too much for her:2011 10 18_0652

We got her a piece of her own, and the first thing she did was dump it right off the plate, like “what is this, Mom?  I have no use for a plate.  You know the food is supposed to just go on the tray.”  2011 10 18_0656

We love our birthday girl so much!  When she was born all the older kids used to fight about whose turn it was to hold her.  Now, one year later, every day when she wakes up from her afternoon nap, they are all still begging to be the first one to play with her.  The excitement has not worn off.

2011 10 18_0668

Tristan and Oliver took these pictures of me throwing Cindy up in the air (one of her favorite games):2011 10 18_06612011 10 18_06622011 10 18_0667

Then Rachel and Elizabeth wanted to try taking some.2011 10 18_0664

2011 10 18_0666

Here are some things about Cynthia at one year:

Things she loves:  her daddy, dogs, birds, looking out all the windows to try to find birds, going outside to try to find birds, looking on the computer at pictures of dogs and birds, bananas, drinks, wrestling with Daniel and the kids, reading books, going places in the car (in hopes of seeing a bird or a dog), riding in doll strollers

2011 10 25_0781

Weight: 21 pounds

First words:  dada, mama, doll, book, and uh-oh. 

Other words she says:  Banana, dog, woof-woof (she barks), bird, turtle, flower, fire, ball, shoe, drink, more, light, baby, big-big (that’s what she calls trucks)

She also knows the signs for:  nurse, eat, drink, more, all done, sleep,  and diaper

Here is a little video from a few weeks ago of her walking around:

Cynthia has been such an easy baby - she is cheerful and friendly and loves to goof around. We're so glad we have her.


Orva said...

How fast this year has gone. Happy birthday Cynthia! We love you!

beth said...

it's hard to believe andrew will ever be a year old!

she weighs almost as much as my rachel! i can't get her past 26 pounds, and she's over 2 1/2 years old!

Laura said...

of course, i know you really meant to say that she just turned 2, because then all those things she can do would be age-appropriate. wells' birthday post is going to be very short!

she is super cute! i love how you can see little bits of squish on the back of her legs when she's looking out the window.

Tristen said...

She is so precious! I cannot believe it's been a year either, from my perspective this year has FLOWN!! You are so lucky to have such great kids, they are so beautiful and happy and you are doing a fantastic job! Keep it up!! :)

Marian said...

man, she's cute. but really what i want to tell you is that i LOVE the picture of you right after she's born. you look so pretty and happy. i don't really want to have more kids, but i want to have that feeling you get right after they're born again. happy birthday, cindy!