Sunday, May 6, 2012

April 2012

We started out the first day of April with a little bit of reading.

Henry in his bed:2012 04 01_5511

And the three girls in their “fort”.  Can you even find them?  It’s like a “Where’s Waldo?” picture.  Cynthia so thinks she is one of the big kids now.2012 04 01_5504

Then the day got a little bit more exciting when Daniel took the kids on an afternoon walk to look for lizards/bugs/butterflies in the wooded area near our house.  When they got home Oliver noticed something moving in the bushes in front of our house.  It turns out that it was a snake.  He ran in the house to tell me about it, and at first I thought (hoped?) it was an April Fools trick.  It wasn’t.

Here is Daniel with all the kids crowding around trying to catch it.  Oliver is on the other side of the bush, reaching in and trying to grab the snake with his bare hands, ignoring the fact that it is trying to bite him.

2012 04 01_5514

Daniel caught it using his homemade snake and lizard catching tool (doesn’t everyone have one of those?):2012 04 01_5513

Oliver proudly showing it off.  I am always nervous to walk around that bush now, which is silly, because we actually have a pet snake.  But snakes in cages are way less scary than wild snakes popping out of bushes to jump on you when you don’t expect them.                                            2012 04 01_5515

Henry loves his new job of putting away the silverware, because now he can hold all the knives and pretend he is Wolverine from X-men.  Elizabeth had this job for 2 years and never once figured that out. 2012 04 02_5545_edited-1

Here is Lizza proudly displaying her winning bracket from our NCAA tournament challenge:2012 04 03_5535

Modeling the new dress and shoes she picked out from Target with her gift card prize:2012 04 03_5534

Cindy doing some coloring after stealing Lizza’s new shoes:2012 04 03_5542

She loves trying on shoes, and she’s figured out that it’s easier to put on the big kids’ shoes, so she’s constantly raiding the shoe bucket by the front door and then clomping around in Oliver’s basketball shoes.2012 04 05_0131

Cindy and Lizza coloring together:2012 04 04_55192012 04 04_55212012 04 04_5532

Experimenting with our new camera (see how grainy the pictures above are?  those were with our old camera).  This first picture is of Elizabeth and Henry having an oatmeal picnic for lunch.  They really do love oatmeal.  Also, that is the third day in a row that Elizabeth wore her new dress.  2012 04 05_0097

More experimenting:                                                                   2012 04 05_01062012 04 05_01182012 04 27_17442012 04 05_01212012 04 05_01232012 04 05_01362012 04 06_0082

Easter Sunday (Elizabeth is back in her dress after giving it a break for a few days so I could wash it):2012 04 08_0077_edited-1

Our church is at 1:00 in the afternoon, and this is how Henry feels about that:2012.04.08 Henry asleep at church

The kids had a day off of school, so I took them to the rec center to see some of their art work that was being displayed there, and then we went over the baseball fields to play at the park:

2012 04 09_0037

The older kids were playing freeze tag, so every time I tried to take pictures of them they were in funny frozen positions:2012 04 09_00452012 04 09_00402012 04 09_0056

Cynthia hard at work trying to become an artist like her older siblings.  One of my favorite sights:2012 04 10_06322012 04 10_0630

If you push the green button on this little train it starts to drive by itself, so Cynthia kept trying to push it and then hop in for a ride.                                                                       2012 04 11_0620

Rachel reading Cynthia’s favorite book to her, Goodnight Moon.  I used to not like that book when I was a kid, because it rhymes “goodnight moon” with “goodnight cow jumping over the moon”, but now I really love it.  After years and years of reading to my kids, I have realized that for me the perfect children’s book is one where the author wrote exactly the words you want to say on that page – no more, no less.  Goodnight Moon is just right.2012 04 11_0624

All these pictures of Cindy reading remind me of Green Eggs and Ham. 

Would you read it in a chair fort?2012 04 11_0623

Would you read it on a bean bag?2012 04 19_1551

Would you read it under a barstool?                                        2012 04 13_0612

Or in the book basket?                                                          2012 04 13_0614

But really, her favorite spot to read is on Mama’s lap.                   2012 04 13_06172012 04 13_0616

Rachel and Elizabeth love copying the pictures from their Fancy Nancy pictures.  I love the pictures in those books, too – they are some of my favorite illustrations ever.2012 04 21_1087

Everyone “helping” Cynthia play the memory game on my kindle:2012 04 24_1586

Poor Lizza has wanted to learn how to ride a bike for a long time.  The sad thing is, when Rachel learned how (only a year and a half ago), Lizza wanted to try it, too, so she hopped on Rachel’s bike and started riding right down the sidewalk (until she realized she didn’t know how to stop, and rode right into our yard and crashed into a tree).  After that I never really finished teaching her how, so she went back to riding her Strider.

I finally decided to teach her this last week.  While the younger kids were napping, I let her bring Rachel’s old bike inside and practice riding it up and down the hall.  Then when the older kids got home from school, we went down to the park where there is a nice big flat sidewalk to practice on (we live on a hill, so our street isn’t great for learning).  She was a pro – I didn’t even have to run behind her or hold on or anything.  After a few tries she mastered starting and stopping, and then she was off.  No falls, no tears, no work for me – I really love Strider bikes for preparing kids for real bikes.  2012 04 26_1643

She went up and down the sidewalk over and over again while the other kids played at the park.2012 04 26_1616

Cindy did her best to keep up with her while pushing the stroller along:2012 04 26_1627

Rachel had her last soccer game of the season.  They didn’t win any games this year, but she still had fun, and learned a little (maybe).2012 04 28_1662_edited-12012 04 28_17232012 04 28_1739

They had their end of the year party at our neighborhood pool:2012 04 28_1795

Rachel with her friend Audrey:2012 04 28_1759

The other kids had fun swimming, too (Tristan and Oliver were at a baseball game, so they missed it):2012 04 28_17612012 04 28_1771_edited-12012 04 28_17692012 04 28_17792012 04 28_17822012 04 28_17872012 04 28_1788

I love this picture.  Lizza’s like, “Yeah, you know it!”, Audrey is saying “Yum, frosting!”, and Rachel is like, “What kind of tomfoolery is going on here?”2012 04 28_1809

The rest of my April pictures are called “The Bug Catchers.”  Henry has directly inherited all of Oliver’s love for animals and bugs, and he has somehow converted both Lizza and Cynthia to the science of bug catching.  Their favorite thing to do now is go out in the backyard and dig in the dirt and search for bugs.  Then they pick them up and hold them and pet them and make little houses for them.  I’m glad that Lizza and Cindy (as girls) have learned to not be squeamish around bugs (I haven’t learned this yet), but I probably need to have an intervention at some point, because Cynthia has no common sense, and tries to pick up spiders and kiss them and she thinks fire ants want to be her best friend.   

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My little bug girl.  I sing her songs before she takes her naps and goes to bed at night, and now the only kinds of songs she’ll permit are ones I make up about her finding butterflies and bugs in the yard with Henry and putting them on her arm.  After I read her a book, all I have to say is “okay, should I sing a bug song?”, and she’ll grab her blanket and cuddle right up to me and close her eyes.2012 04 30_1825

The end.


Diane said...

I love your monthly updates and seeing your darling family.

Marian said...

cindy is the cutest bug girl i've ever seen! i love that you sing her bug songs before bed. it seems like you had way too much fun packed into one month. tell lizza i love her new dress and shoes. she did good. i also love all cindy's special reading spots. and you look so pretty in the pictures of her reading on your lap!

Corinne Ritz said...

Oh wow! So many great pictures!!! Lizza in her new dress and Cindy stealing her shoes! Henry asleep on the chairs at church (our ward meets at 2pm right now - I feel your pain!) Cindy reading EVERYWHERE! But I think I laughed the hardest at Henry being Wolverine with the knives, and you pointing out that Lizza did that job for 2 years and never figured that out. SO FUNNY!

Laura said...

first of all, so not fair that you are swimming already. secondly, pace loves to be wolverine while he's doing the silverware. also, lots of times the silverware turns into bombs that drop into their slots on the bad guys. thirdly, you have the scariest things pop up in your driveway! have you thought about building a special container or walkway that lets you just teleport from inside your house directly into your car so you don't have to encounter any huge lizards, rats, or snakes?