Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Undippable Things

The other day my kids were drinking smoothies and Oliver and Tristan were asking permission to dip random things into their smoothies, and on most of them I was saying no, just on the grounds that it was gross.

Then it made me laugh because I remembered as a kid dipping POPCORN, of all undippable things, into both orange juice and carob drink. For those of you who don't know, carob drink is similar to hot chocolate. My dad used to make it for us all the time, and we always had a great time because it seemed like EVERY TIME he made it he would manage to lose control of the blender and it would spray hot carob everywhere. We thought this was so funny. Looking back, I think Dad always got pretty frustrated when this happened, but we still thought it was funny for some reason. We didn't even offer to help clean up. We just sat there dipping our popcorn and laughing uproariously. Sorry, Dad.

So anyway, I decided to let them go ahead and dip their peanut butter sandwiches into their smoothies, because I know it could be a lot worse.

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