Monday, June 23, 2008

A 3-Year Old's Thoughts on Pregnancy/Motherhood

Rachel has informed me that she thinks she might be pregnant. We had the following conversation a few weeks ago:

Rachel: Mom . . . .I think there is a real baby - and I mean a REAL baby - in my tummy.

Me: Oh, wow. That would be weird. Are you just pretending you're pregnant because you're wearing kind of a poofy shirt?

Rachel: No, Mom. I can tell there's a baby in there because my tummy hurts and I can feel something wiggling around.

Me: Uh-oh. That is a problem.

Fortunately her stomach stopped hurting after awhile and the whole thing turned out to be a false alarm.

She did, however, tell me a few of the reasons why she claims she is going to be a better mom than I am when she grows up. Here was her list:

1. She will let her kids eat pizza whenever they want.
2. She will take her kids swimming every day.
3. She will let her kids eat REAL FOOD on their pretend tea set dishes whenever they want.
4. She will let her kids eat THEIR OWN WHOLE PIZZA on their pretend dishes.

As some of you know, Rachel is quite a good artist and she draws all the time. Sometimes I think she might be giving me little "hints" on how to be a better mother through her drawings. For example, she will draw a little party scene and then come show me, saying, "See this little girl in the picture? See how her mom let her have a big party outside with all her dishes and she even let her eat cake and ice-cream cones and cupcakes and banana splits and root-beer floats for breakfast? Can you believe how nice this girl's mom is?" Then she will smile sweetly at me and run off to draw another picture of some lucky girl with a wonderful mother.

I guess I could be a little more lenient with some things. A few days ago Rachel was in the kitchen drinking orange juice, and as I walked into the room, I saw her quickly pull a spoon out of her cup, acting as if she had not been trying to eat her orange juice with a spoon (something that I have forbidden her to do on various occasions). She then smiled at me and sighed, saying, "Mom, wouldn't it be fun if there was a girl - and I know her mother wouldn't let her do this - but wouldn't it be fun if there was a girl and she got to eat her whole cup of orange juice with a spoon? But of course, there's no way her mother would let her do it. I'm just saying it would be kind of neat." She then laughed kind of nervously, probably to show me that of course she knew how silly her little "hypothetical" scenario was.

It made me feel bad that she had been so sure I wouldn't let her that she hadn't even asked. But I also had to try hard not to laugh because it sounded so funny when she kept saying "her mother wouldn't let her", because my kids have never called me "mother" before. Now I can't remember what I said to her - I'm hoping I told her to go ahead and eat her juice with the spoon.

Rachel informing me of her pregnancy

A few of Rachel's many "party" drawings

The kids eating their snack outside on Rachel's tea set dishes (I had to show Rachel that at least sometimes I can be a fun mom)


Gretchen said...

Rachy is such a crack-up. She is so sincere with the little problems in her world. I guess the art of manipulation has been passed on from my mom to me to......Rachy. This will be a talent that may take years for her to recognize that most people see right through it yet, as we can see from the last picture, can do wonders for her life and helping her get her way. J/K

For the record you are the best mom ever.

Audra said...

Ha ha, I'm still laughing about what Gretchen said. But she couldn't be, could she, too sweet. Anyway I do love how her idea of a great life includes tea parties with 'real' food and tons of sweet stuff. I just love her to death! Hope everything is going great for you. What would it be like to have four kids and one on the way in less than six weeks? You are amazing. We love and miss you guys everyday. Today I was just telling Ty, 'I miss my brother Daniel.' Love you, tell him I love him.

Beccarigg said...

Oh my goodness, your Rachel posts always make me laugh out loud! She is too stinking funny! I love her round about way of suggesting better mommy techniques! so funny! She's also a pretty amazing artist! Those pictures are better than most kindergarten kids can draw! Wow!