Wednesday, August 6, 2008

In case you've been wondering. . . . .

Henry Johnson Mott was born one week ago on Wednesday, July 30, 2008. He weighed 8 lbs 4 oz, and was 20 inches long.

For those who are interested, here are all the details of the labor/delivery. For those who aren't interested, just skip straight to the pictures:

Wednesday also happened to be Rachel's 4th birthday. I wasn't really thinking I was going to go into labor (even though I was already 3 days late) because we had an induction scheduled for Friday, August 1st, and it just didn't seem like it was going to happen before then. We had a great day with Rachel, doing all of her birthday stuff. She had requested a picnic lunch so we went swimming with our friends the Bates and had a little picnic at the pool. We got home around 1:45, and around 2:00 as I was getting all the kids ready for naps, I had a few painful contractions that felt different than what I'd previously been feeling. I panicked a little bit, and started running around the house trying to clean up and figure out what needed to get done, just in case. Rachel had requested a dinosaur/volcano cake for her birthday, so I kept going back and forth about whether I should start making it or not - I didn't want to get it all done and then have it go to waste if I had to go to the hospital before we did the whole cake and ice-cream thing, but in case nothing happened, I would feel really bad if there was no cake. I decided to go ahead and make it, assuming that the contractions were a false alarm. The whole time I was making the cake, the contractions started getting closer together. I made the kids an early dinner (macaroni and cheese - Rachel's birthday dinner of choice) and when Daniel called on his way home from work, I let him know that there was a chance I was starting to go into labor. I also called my friend Karen and let her know that I might need her to come over to watch the kids. I ended up changing my mind and calling her back to tell her not to come over - for some reason I was totally in denial and I decided maybe I wasn't in labor. As much as I wanted to have the baby, I was pretty scared for the labor and delivery. All four of my previous deliveries were very long and awful and I was not looking forward to that again. Anyway, by the time we finished Rachel's cake and ice-cream, it was pretty obvious that it was for real, so I called Karen again and she came on over. We finished cleaning up from the birthday stuff, got the kids ready for bed, switched a load of laundry, etc. (stopping every few minutes to have a contraction), and then left for the hospital.

We got to the hospital around 7:40 pm, and when they checked me at 7:45 I was dilated to a 6. I was pretty happy to hear that, but when the nurse said "it looks like we're going to be having this baby soon", Daniel and I looked at each other and laughed and told her that it was probably still going to be awhile, just the way things usually go for me. I was picturing staying at a 6 for an hour, and then staying at a 7 for an hour, etc., and having the baby about 5 hours later. They moved me to another room, and by then I was definitely not enjoying the contractions, but I had decided not to do an epidural. They checked me again at 8:20, and I was expecting to hear that I was at a 6 still, so I was so surprised and happy to hear that I was already at a 9. Daniel and I couldn't believe it. Eighteen minutes later he was born, a little less than an hour after we checked in - definitely my best childbirth experience ever.

We came home from the hospital on Friday, and everyone has just loved having little Henry around. He's very pleasant (still in the sleepy stage) and doesn't cause any trouble at all. My mom flew out from Utah to help out, which has been wonderful. She brought along my little brother (he's 12) and all of the kids have been having a blast playing with him. We'll be sad when they go home on Friday.

Tristan took a picture of me with the birthday girl right before I left for the hospital.

I was so happy that things went so well.

Happy dad

All the kids crowding around. Daniel brought them in Thursday morning and they were all so excited to see their new brother.

I can't believe I have five kids!

He was very awake and alert in the hospital.

Ready to go home.

Rachel holding him the next morning.

Henry napping.

His favorite position to sleep in.

Resting on the couch.

Hanging out with Grandma.

The kids love holding him.

Catching some rays at the pool. (Don't worry - we were actually in the shade)

Another shot from the pool.

I always find little treasures that the other kids have put in his bassinet for him to keep him company.

Another little treasure.

Oliver loves Henry.


*natalie said...

I can't believe you have five kids either! Congratulations...he is beautiful.

Diane said...

Henry is beautiful - just like your other children. You are so beautiful also! It's a joy to see that quilt being used - just what I wanted!

Jennifer M said...

Congratulations on Henry's Big Arrival! You look wonderful. So glad to know that everything went smoothly, and that he is finally here. Take Care!

Poppy said...

Congratulations, he is so beautiful and perfect. You are amazing! What a fun, crazy, busy time and you probably wouldn't have it any other way!

Beccarigg said...

Yay! I'm so glad Henry is here and that you had a quick delivery! Those can be crazy going in but awesome when you're done and you're like, wow, did I just have a baby?

You look amazing though in both your "9 months pregnant" and "I just had a baby" pictures! And I must say, you are an awesome mom to still be making a dinosaur volcano cake in the middle of child labor : )

I LOVE all the pics you put up! The one of you with your 5 kids seriously makes me want to have 5 kids too! I love the one with Rachel holding him, she just looks so sweet and motherly. And the pool pics are awesome! Also must say that Brinley's favorite sleep position in on her belly too! Wish we could sleep her that way at night! Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS and sorry this is so long but I'm just very happy for you and seriously loving all the happy new baby pics!

Jesse said...

Wow! Congratulations. He is so beautiful. I'm feeling a little (newborn) baby hungry now. Yeah, way to go with finishing the birthday cake and changing the laundry before heading to the hospital. You are amazing.

Christine McBeth said...

Congratulations Jo! What five beautiful children with such a beautiful mother. Maybe the easy delivery is a sign of things to come. Henry will be making you a dinosaur birthday cake in short order. I'm so excited for your whole family on the new addition.

Natalie said...

Congratulations!! I can't believe he is here! I can't wait to meet him! The kids look like they are just thrilled to have another little one in the family.

5 kids...WOW! By the way, you look SO good after just having a baby! I'm so glad the delivery went so well!

Glory Watts said...

Joanne!! You have 5 kids, crazy! He is so cute and precious! I can't believe you took your kids swimming, made an amazing cake, had a birthday party and then went to go deliver you 5th baby natural! Plus you had time to take pictures of everything. You are one amazing gal! I am sooo happy for you, and congratualtions on an all natural birth, I don't think I could do that. I miss you guys, and wish I could see baby Henry (I love that name by the way). I bet your kids are in heaven with him. What a lucky boy to be born in your family.

Parley and Katie Call said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad you sent a link to your blog in the email. I can't believe you have 5 kids-they all look so happy and healthy. :) You guys must be great parents. Baby Henry is a cutie!