Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Things I've Skipped Over (April)

Somehow the last few months I've only managed to blog about the trips we've been going on. I'm going back to April to fill in the details on some of the other stuff we've been up to.

The first thing I skipped was actually a whole other trip - at the beginning of April my younger brother got married. Henry and I made the trip to Utah to attend the wedding and visit with family.  It was so much fun.  Whenever I'm with my family I wish we could all live right next to each other.

Me and a newly buzzed Henry at the open house the night before the wedding:

Henry posing with the soon-to-be bride and groom before heading off to bed:

At the wedding luncheon.  All the sisters with our brother Alex and his new wife, Lindy (plus a brand new nephew who decided to make a surprise early arrival 3 days before the wedding.)

At the Discovery Gateway children's museum in Salt Lake.  His favorite part was the helicoptor.

Back in Texas, we were still busy with baseball:

Daniel coached Tristan's team, so they got to be the Mariners:

The younger kids were good at keeping themselves occupied during the boys' games:

I think this picture of Lizza reading to herself during one of the games is my favorite:

The girls and Henry and I made a trip to Crowe's Nest Farm with some friends.  Henry was running wild all over the place, so one of the moms there lent me a little monkey/harness/leash.  It was very helpful.  Henry was not as thrilled about it as I was.

Everyone loved the milking demonstration:

Henry and me on the hayride.  We got to see ostriches and bison, of all things.  Henry was in heaven.

Rachel on the hayride.  Notice the special "farm" overalls she is wearing - she had those picked out for a whole week before we actually went on our fieldtrip.  She had it in her mind that they would be just the perfect thing to wear at a farm.  And they were:

Lizza on the hayride.  Her nose was still recovering from a major fall at one of the baseball games.  About a week after this, and before it was fully healed, she managed to tip over a glass-topped table at a car repair place - she and the glass crashed down onto the concrete floor, and she re-sliced her whole nose up again (miraculously, she only had a few other minor cuts).  April was a rough month for Lizza's nose. 

Here's Henry (about 3 months ago) talking about all the fun he had at Crowe's Nest Farm.  He mentions velociraptors in the clip - the whole time we were at the farm, he kept asking when we were going to see the t-rexes and velociraptors.  He loves dinosaurs, but doesn't realize that they aren't still around, so he thought for sure a farm would be a likely spot for them.  He still claims he saw them there.

Other April stuff:

Oliver with a little baby turtle he found on the way home from school.  I noticed as the days got warmer, it took longer and longer for the boys to make their way home - their path leads them right through a foresty area with a stream, and there was always exploring to be done.

Henry discovered Star Wars.  He has been carrying around a lightsaber (or two) ever since.

Although occasionally he does work with other types of weaponry (we encourage our fighters to be well-rounded):

Elizabeth with one of her famous set-ups.  I think she is going to major in set-ups in college. 

Okay, April's done.  Hopefully I'll get to May and June before our next trip (next Friday) or else it's never going to happen.


debby said...

may was a rough month for madeleine's nose. a kid slammed a window on it and scraped it up pretty bad and just as it was healing, she took a tumble down the stairs and got some nice rug burns. it's still finishing the healing process.

KarenB said...

I wish I could have seen you while you were in the area! I'm sure it was an incredibly busy time! Your brother and his wife are such a sweet couple!

I'm glad you're keeping your boys well rounded in their weaponry - it will help them when they get together with our boys who are also well-rounded.

You guys go on a lot of trips! It's fun to hear all about them - and they give me ideas about what to do with our children when we do eventually go on one!

Beccarigg said...

Can't get over the cuteness of Henry talking in that video! I love how he says, "I pet cow, MOOOO!" I was cracking up because Brinley's the same way. She'll say the animals name and then she has to do the sound it makes to go with it : )

That's so fun that you got to go out for you brother's wedding. I love the pic of you and your sisters, although I'm still waiting for you to look pregnant!! ; )

Also loving Rachel's careful fashion selection for the farm. I think she totally hit a home run with that one : ) The boys are getting so big, looks like you guys had a great April!