Friday, March 18, 2011

Stuff from January

Here are my January pictures (maybe in May I will blog about what we are doing this month):

Tristan and Henry listening to Tristan's new ipod together.

Tristan at one of his basketball games.  His team was pretty awful, but he had fun.
Henry playing with Cynthia.  I brought out all the baby toys, and Henry thinks they are super fun.

Lizza being Lizza.  Our little ray of sunshine. 

Henry "helping" me make dinner.  Lately he has been super interested in helping me cook, so when I don't actually need/want his help, I give him a random, time-consuming job that may or may not even need to be done, but he thinks is important.  Like carefully drying each piece of asparagus with a cloth (I didn't assign him the task of lining them up neatly in a row - he does that himself.  Just tonight he asked if he could dry the mushrooms for me, and he had them lined up perfectly in one long string all the way across the counter). 
Rachel, Lizza, and Oliver painting with their new art set from Uncle Anthony.  They are happy artists.
Cynthia, back when she was only 3 months old:

We really, really, really love her.
Oliver displaying a friendly little art competition he and I had.  I lost, and it wasn't even close.  Henry had asked me to draw a transformer for him on the Magnadoodle.  I had no idea how to draw one, but I figured some robot-y squares and rectangles all connected together would be good enough.  Oliver laughed out loud, and was like, "you're kidding me, right, Mom?"  He then took the Magnadoodle, and seriously in about 10 seconds whipped out a perfectly realistic transformer.  He was even showing me the different parts that would then transform back into whatever car it was - so it was anatomically correct and all that.  I hadn't even thought about putting wheels on mine.  Anyway, can you tell which one is which?
Speaking of transformers, Henry just really loves them.  Pretty much every day when I get him dressed, he'll look down at what clothes he's wearing, and then make an announcement depending on what colors he has on - "Oh, this is orange and blue, so today I am Optimus Prime."  Also, any yellow cars we see when we're out and about are called Bumblebee, black cars are Ironhide, etc.  So in this picture, Lizza is riding on Optimus Prime and Henry is riding on Bumblebee (while wearing his favorite Bumblebee shirt). 
Elizabeth playing with Cindy.  She never gets tired of holding her.
Lizza getting some reading done under her umbrella on the couch.
What is it with my kids and pretending to read scriptures on the couch with an umbrella?  When I saw the one of Lizza, I knew it looked familiar.  I checked my old photos, and sure enough, found this one of Rachel from 2 years ago.
Listening to music on the ipod.  These two love listening to music together.
Which might explain the fact that Henry's favorite song in January was "Jar of Hearts", by Christina Perri.  ("Who do you think you are?  Runnin' round leaving scars, collecting your jar of hearts, tearing love apart, you're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul, don't come back for me, etc.")  There is something so funny to me about a 2-year old singing his heart out about people "tearing love apart."

And he was pretty much singing it all the time.

My favorite part in this one is when he nails the ending with the little pause (who do you think you . . . you are?), and then you can hear him laugh to himself with satisfaction.  Also the part at the end about "watch me be a crab" has nothing to do with the song.

One more.

He also spent a lot of January doing puzzles.
He was getting bored of his cardboard ones, so he was super excited when he found this state one.  I told him it was probably too hard for him, and he took it as a personal challenge to figure it out. 
He also loves matching up each piece with its corresponding state on our kitchen table map.
He is a fun kid to have around.


Diane said...

I love your catch up posts. So fun to see your children and what they like to do. That map business is incredible.

Audra said...

I pretty much just laughed my head off and thoroughly enjoyed reading that post and the previous one. And I especially liked Ollie's comment about meeting famous people or the President.
Seriously I LOVE Henry, and for me I feel kinda special because when he was still kind of a baby I got to faux nurse him, sing him lots of songs while he would rest his head on my shoulder before I would lay him in your closet. The video of him singing reminded me a lot of Christmas time when he was pretending to be Darth Vader and somehow mixed that in with putting Dennis' boots on. You didn't see it, but it was so awesome that I seriously almost peed my pants. Sometimes I randomly think of when he did that and laugh to myself.

Laura said...

tell ollie that your transformer would have beat any that i drew, hand's down, so you are not a total failure. i think it's so funny that he laughed at yours.
pace and henry definitely need to be neighbors. pace goes around singing grown up songs all the time and it kills me. no raffi for those two!

Eliza said...

Fun pictures! Lizza seems like she is a great help to have around. Henry is just a kick in the pants. I am impressed with his singing and his puzzle skills. Your kids learn their states so early. It makes me want to get a big map for our table- to help me out just as much as the kids!

Beccarigg said...

Yay for catch up posts! I don't care of they're a few months late, as long as you keep doing them! Seriously, a fresh batch of Mott family pictures brightens my day ; ) Especially that Lizza! Her smile lights up the whole screen. and I agree with Eliza that Henry is a kick in the pants! He has so much personality and character, it just cracks me up! I'm so glad you are saving him for Brinley, I think they make quite the dynamic little couple : ) She is really good at independent play and just stacking, sorting, and organizing things like it seems he likes to do. I really think they'd have a blast together.

Also I've been thinking about you guys a lot as we've been watching BYU play in the NCAA tournament. We had our friends over when they played Gonzaga and they brought their 10 year old son. He was going nuts and it totally made me think of your boys and how much fun they must be having watching these games, especially since they MET the JIMMER! So so cool!

Marliese said...

Your kids are so fun...but you are a super-fun mom--drawing Transformers, and letting toddlers help with dinner. (not an easy task, but I like your tactics...I'll have to try).

Tristen said...

Too funny-- all of it. :) I read this last night before bed and have been chuckling about your funny kids all night and all morning. I love it. The crawfish was disgusting but also awesome, I laughed thinking about what I would have been thinking flying down the stairs. And Rachel probably is getting funnier and funnier as she gets older! And kudos to Henry for getting the puzzle done!!