Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things we did in March besides puzzles

Elizabeth reading to Cynthia on the couch:

2011 Mar 02_7412

Cynthia reading to Elizabeth on the floor:2011 Mar 08_7373

Elizabeth reading while walking around the house.  She has discovered chapter books, and pretty much read for most of March:

2011 Mar 22_7418

Henry with his afternoon snack all lined up in a neat little row:2011 Mar 03_7410

I think it runs in the family:2011 Mar 22_7419

And you know what else runs in the family?  Really awesome dance skills:

Cynthia being cute (for lots of pictures in a row):

2011 Mar 06_7380_edited-12011 Mar 06_73822011 Mar 06_73832011 Mar 06_7385_edited-22011 Mar 06_73952011 Mar 06_7397

She is such a happy, pleasant baby.  We can’t get enough.2011 Mar 14_7468

Fine dining in the playroom:2011 Mar 16_7460

Baseball season!

 2011 Mar 19_74282011 Mar 19_74322011 Mar 19_7446_edited-12011 Mar 19_74262011 Mar 19_74352011 Mar 19_74492011 Mar 19_74552011 Mar 19_7457_edited-1

Cynthia turned five months old:

2011 Mar 20_7423_edited-12011 Mar 20_7424

Right around this time, she decided to try out scooting, but she went about it in a very confused way.  She would lift herself all the way up on her hands and feet, but this always made her slide backward.  She’d get farther and farther away from the things she was trying to get, and she’d end up scooting backward completely off her blanket.  After a few days of being frustrated, she finally figured it out.2011 Mar 28_7507

Mom, why isn’t this working?2011 Mar 28_7508

Henry still takes great naps every day after lunch.  He usually falls asleep pretty quickly, but I guess one day after I put him to bed he was wandering around his room and fell asleep in the corner.  I was pretty shocked when I went to check on him and he wasn’t in his bed, and even more surprised to find him in this position behind the door.

2011 Mar 30_7514

And speaking of being shocked and surprised, here is a little story.  Tristan and Oliver found a real live big fat rat outside in our front yard.  At first I didn’t believe them, but I went out and saw it and they were right.  It gets worse, though.  They were trying to catch it, and it ran away from them and hid under our car.  It actually climbed up into the bottom of our car and was just hanging there for dear life.  I had to leave right then to take Rachel to dance, and I was so nervous getting all the kids in the car because I kept thinking it was going to run out and jump in the car or something scary.  I thought it would jump down as soon as I started the car, but it didn’t.  It hung on to the bottom of the van the whole way to dance and back!  I was so jumpy, and kept imagining little tickle feelings on my feet and think that maybe the rat had found a way to climb up inside our car (I know this isn’t possible, but you try driving with a rat hanging to the bottom of your car, and you will imagine it, too).   Anyway, the rat somehow survived the trip, but then got down from the car and went over to our neighbor’s driveway to die (it actually turned out to be a considerate rat). 

Now, imagine that you are outside on your front porch looking over at the dead rat in your neighbor’s driveway, and you feel something run right by your foot and you look down and a big brown thing is racing through the open door into your house, but so fast that you can’t really see it clearly.  You would think it was another rat, right?  Well, that was the first thought I had, anyway, so I immediately did the only logical thing which was to run screaming into the house and stand up on top of a bench in the kitchen.  And then yell for Oliver to come inside and shut all the doors (so it couldn’t go into any bedrooms like in Lady and the Tramp) and then find whatever had come into the house. 

Rachel actually found the thing first (Mom, there’s something brown with a tail under your desk!), and it turned out to be a giant lizard, which actually was a relief to me.  Not that I wouldn’t have had a heart attack if I had sat down at the desk and put my foot down on a lizard, but I was much more comfortable with the idea of a lizard loose in the house than a rat. 

And anyway, it wasn’t loose in the house for long thanks to this little boy, our resident wild-animal catching expert:

2011 Mar 30_7518

The end. 


Diane said...

I might have had a heart attack! I don't mind mice, but rats are an entirely different story.

I love getting a glimpse of your children through your great pictures.

KarenB said...

I love all the pictures - there is such a wonderful Spotit about your family. The rat story is scary - you were brave to even go into the house. I would have probably gone somewhere until Bill got home and found the thing inside our house! I love all of the pictures of your kids reading - that is so great that they all love it so much. You are such a great example of creating a house of learning.

R said...

A rat built a nest in my brothers van and chewed through some of the wiring. I'm glad yours went somewhere else to die!

Rebekah said...

wow. my favorites are the dancing and, of course, the rat story. amazing.

Jennifer M said...

That's a rat story you'll be telling forever. So funny! Love seeing your kid pics, too.

Beccarigg said...

Oh my gosh that rat story is SO hilarious! I was dying laughing at the part where you ran inside screaming and jumped on the bench. I TOTALLY would've done the same thing!

That dance video is also a riot. Henry's little move was killing me. And I can't believe the pose he fell asleep in! Kids are amazing how they can fall asleep like that!

Okay so seriously though, I am making a vow to myself that if I do nothing else this summer, I WILL teach Teya to read! I bought the book that you use last summer thinking I'd do it but I was so nauseous with my pregnancy that I had no motivation. This year there are no excuses, I'm doing it! Especially when I see pics of your cute kids reading everywhere. Teya absolutely loves books, how much more would she love them if she could actually read them? It's gonna happen, you've inspired me!

Laura said...

we are reading your blog in hopes that some of the genius skills will transfer through blogland and pace will learn how to do puzzles. i thought of your rat story this morning when i picked up pace's shorts and there was a little lizard head poking out. i had to have a mild heart attack.

Laura said...

maybe pace could trade dancing skills for a little bit of puzzle knowledge? not saying that henry needed any help, 'cause his moves are pretty good......

Marliese said...

Great story--Texas sounds like a wild and exciting place!