Tuesday, November 15, 2011

September 2011

There was a lot of football going on in September.  The boys switched from the Hawks team to the Panthers this year.  Daniel coached Oliver’s team.  They had practice three times a week, then games every Saturday, usually in different locations from each other, so there was a lot of driving to and from and around and back and forth.

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It took some serious planning to keep the younger four entertained while I tried to watch.  They were good sports during the long and hot games.   2011 09 03_0232

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Downtown Austin in the background:

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I love watching my boys play.

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The best days were when we also had a BYU game to finish up the day with.  Cynthia’s a big BYU fan:

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Elizabeth told me once that she loved “football saturdays”, because we were gone so much there was never any time to make a mess to have to clean up. 

Both Oliver and Tristan’s regular season is over now, but Tristan has still had bowl games the last few weeks, and he’ll have his last one next Saturday, down in San Antonio. 

One exciting thing about BYU’s football schedule this year was that they played UT here in Austin.  Daniel’s brother-in-law and his little boy came to stay with us and go to the game with Daniel and Tristan.

Beck is just a few weeks older than Lizza.  They had a good time together.2011 09 09_0188

He also got in some good lego time with the boys.

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And we all spent some time at the pool together:

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Daniel and Henry, about to get soaked:

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Daniel flipping the kids into the pool.  After Henry did it the first time, he was super brave about it so we told him he was a studmuffin, just to be funny.  He was a little perplexed and confused about the term (understandably – who made up that word, anyway?), and now he thinks that studmuffin is the official name of that trick.  Every time we went to the pool after that, he would ask, “hey, is Dad going to do that one studmuffin flip to me again?” 

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Lizza doing the studmuffin:2011 09 09_0205

Rachel doing the studmuffin:2011 09 09_0210_edited-1

My three boys:2011 09 09_0213

Here are Tristan, Oliver, and Beck with Jake Heaps at the fireside the night before the BYU/UT game:2011 09 12_0276

At the UT stadium:

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So sad that we didn’t win, but I think they all still had fun.

Also in September, Rachel came to the realization that if she wanted a puppy of her own any time soon, she would have to make it herself.  She crafted this one out of cardstock, then mounted it on a little stand and attached a string so she could take it on walks around the kitchen.

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As puppies go, it was very well-behaved.

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Lizza was inspired to make her own little puppy, too.  Please nobody tell them that some people have real dogs.2011 09 11_0176

More crafting from Rachel included this lovely mermaid (she stapled two pieces of cardstock together to make it long enough):

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And this new dress for Lizza (with pockets, even!):    2011 09 04_0220_edited-1

Cynthia, at 10 1/2 months, decided it was time to start standing up:

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Cheese!  Her "smile for the camera” face cracks me up.2011 09 13_0330

She quickly mastered the standing while talking on the cell-phone skill:2011 09 13_0332

And then at 11 months, she started walking.  Tristan’s little R2-D2 robot was good motivation:

She also did other cute things like trying to eat muffins through the oven door:2011 09 14_0317

Since September does not equal fall weather here in Texas, we continued going to the pool when the older kids were in school.  Their favorite way of getting there was by bike – Lizza on her strider and Henry and Cindy in the bike trailer.                                                                      2011 09 22_0365

Cynthia is so lucky to have an older brother who never teases or bothers her.2011 09 22_0367

Henry is not a fan of vegetables.  He is a huge fan of charts, numbers, and any sort of organizational system.  I combined the two, with magical results.  If I put 10 vegetables on his plate, I would give him a chart with the numbers 1-10.  Then after each bite he took, he would circle a number.  He loved it!  I loved it, too, because I didn’t have to be involved with his eating anymore.  The best is that after awhile of doing this he has gotten much better at eating vegetables even without the charts.  Once in a while if I hand him an extra questionable or tricky dinner, he will look at it and then say, “um, Mom, I think I might need a chart for this.”  Is this a crazy system?  Probably.                                                                        2011 09 22_0368

He and Elizabeth learned how to be best buddies again after the older kids started school.  Here they are being animal rescuers with their brother and sister dolls and several hundred frogs and lizards and bugs.  And I think I spy four baby dinosaurs there on the end.  They spent a few hours putting all these creatures in perilous situations and then rescuing them bravely and then lining them up in safe little rows on the table. 

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They also enjoy a few rounds of Pretty,Pretty Princess once in awhile, although Henry wants to make it very clear that even when he wins he is not a princess – he is King William. 

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Another one of their favorite activities is dancing to fun tunes on the ipod.  Henry’s dancing skills are always entertaining.              

And lastly, here is a dramatic re-enactment of Luke Skywalker hanging upside down in the Wampa Cave, trying with all his might to use the force to get his lightsaber.  Not sure why Luke is dressed in only his skivvies and Cynthia’s Halloween bumblebee costume.                        2011 09 30_0379


debby said...

love the chart system. that may be a good answer for Madeleine right now.

Beccarigg said...

Can't stop laughing over Henry dancing in his underwear with his sword stashed in the back. So so funny!! Also can't believe Cindy standing and walking so early! Cam is 10 months and no where close to standing! Cindy's such a cutie with her scrunchie cheese face for the camera! And I have to say that the veggie chart system is genius! "Uh mom, I think I might need a chart for this." haha! Love him!

Marian said...

ahhh!! i didn't comment on this one either! i must have been nursing when i read these ones. so many things to love in this post. cindy's "smile for the camera" face might be my favorite, though. i also love love love rachel and lizza's cardstock dogs. amazing. all the pool pictures make me want summer here again! i might have to try that chart thing with my kids for vegetables.