Tuesday, December 13, 2011

October 2011

Now that it is almost Christmas I am finally getting around to posting pictures from October.  I am still in denial that it is really December because we don’t have snow here, so I would like to think that I am not that far behind. 

There was still a lot of football going on in October.  The boys always had to be at their games an hour early to practice, so it was nice when there was a park nearby for the other kids to play at while we waited.  They loved this park in Austin:

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Cynthia discovered sliding for the first time (we don’t really go to the park much in the summer here because everything is too hot, so this was her first real park experience).2011 10 01_0412

She loved it.

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Lizza striking a pose:                                                  2011 10 01_0421

Oliver’s homecoming game:

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All the players were announced at halftime and escorted across the field by a little cheerleader.  Oliver was of course embarrassed about having to hold onto a girl’s arm, so he let go of her as soon as he could and ran the opposite direction.  2011 10 08_0595

Look how old and tough and handsome he is getting!                            2011 10 08_0596

But not too old to get rabbit ears from Dad.  I love this picture.                                 2011 10 09_0582

Tristan tackling various football players. He plays with no concern for his personal safety, which I know is how you are supposed to play football, but when you are a mom it makes you nervous, and it is also why I could never play football (among other reasons, like lack of any skill).  Sometimes when I’m watching football and I see players leaping into the air and then getting knocked to the ground by other huge players I think that if that happened to me I would probably want to go to the hospital and then lay in bed for a week instead of getting right back up to play some more.  


Here we are at Oliver’s last game of the season:              2011 10 29_0967 

Cynthia had a blow-out and then had to wear Lizza’s jacket as her pants because it was freezing.  She was a good sport and fell asleep.                                             2011 10 29_0970_edited-1

That’s the end of the football pictures from October.

Here is a picture of 1)General Conference, 2) Daniel and Tristan playing chess, and 3) a Cynthia barricade (the kitchen bench).2011 10 01_0433

Daniel and I both had birthdays in October (along with Cynthia, which I already posted about).

Daniel turned 34:2011 10 02_0389

And I turned 31.  I’ve never worried that much about my age, but after this birthday I decided I would rather just stay 30, instead of having the numbers keep getting closer to 40.  At least I have these six great kids.2011 10 23_0817_edited-1

Lizza and Henry digging for dinosaur bones in the backyard.2011 10 03_0544

When Oliver got home from school and saw what they were up to, he went out and buried some little toy dinosaur skeletons for them to find, and now Henry thinks they actually found real live dinosaur bones.  Of tiny baby dinosaurs.  2011 10 03_0546

Cynthia showing me how excited she is about finding a picture of a baby and a dog, two of her favorite things:2011 10 04_0537

She also loves walking around holding trains:  

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And trying to be pretty.  She went through a stage where she thought if she put anything on top of her head it was extra fancy and pretty, so she would walk around like this, saying “pretty,pretty” and being pleased with herself.  2011 10 28_0981

Maybe it runs in the family:                                       2011 10 13_0676

Henry (with more appropriate headgear) and Lizza having what they think is called a “pignic” on the back porch:2011 10 17_0672

And in case you think it was just a normal little pignic, it wasn’t.  It involved monsters and talking snacks:

Tristan made this poster for his DARE program contest at school, and won 1st place.  I thought he did a great job, but mostly I can’t believe I have a kid old enough to be in DARE.2011 10 25_0776

Here we are at a neighborhood “fall festival” type thing, with a petting zoo:2011 10 22_0829

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Pony rides:

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Caramel apples:

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And sack races:

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Henry was a fan of everything but the sack races.  I love the look of disgust on his face when he realizes that he is clearly not cut out for hopping around in a potato sack:

Elizabeth and Rachel, the night before crazy hair day at school:2011 10 25_0883_edited-1

Four crazy-haired kids the next morning.  I told Oliver that his was barely crazy, and that people really do wear their hair like that, and I thought he would look cute/handsome if he did his hair like that every day.  He didn’t like that idea, though – he likes his hair to lay flat on his head, so this was definitely going out of his comfort zone for him.  I guess my favorite thing about this picture is Lizza’s face, though.  And is she trying to do the peace sign?  2011 10 26_0867

At the end of October Daniel drove up to Dallas with Tristan and Oliver to go to the BYU/TCU football game.  They had a lot of fun, but it would have been even better if BYU had won the game.2011 10 30_0886_edited-2

Then our friends threw a huge carnival birthday party for their little boy.  Oliver and Rachel got to help out with the party.  Rachel and her friend Addie were in charge of the candy store.  Rachel thought it was about the most fun and important thing she’d ever done.

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Oliver also had various assignments throughout the party, but he still managed to find plenty of time to do this:

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More carnival party fun:

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And to finish off October, here is a frightening picture of Henry.  I’m not sure what he is supposed to be, but I think it’s scary.                                                               2011 10 30_0940

The end. 


Diane said...

Your pictures are so great. I just can't get enough of them! My two favorites are your birthday and Daniel's birthday pictures. Your family always looks so happy.

Lucy said...

Friday Night Lights was no lie it looks like. Football really is a big deal in Texas! I love all the pictures and your commentary!

Marian said...

man, i love your kids. i think my favorite pictures (it was hard to choose, cause i love all of them) were oliver running away from his cheerleader, and lizza's face in the crazy hair picture. we also enjoyed the videos - my kids wanted to watch them over and over. i don't know how you watch your boys play tackle football - i would be nervous. they look awfully cute (handsome? tough?) in their uniforms though.

Audra said...

I don't know where to start, but London heard me laughing and came running. We love all the pictures. I love the one of Ollie running from the cheerleader, and Daniel giving rabbit ears, and crazy hair day...I wish I could see you guys for Christmas!!!!!!!!!

Beccarigg said...

Okay, this post just has too much awesomeness in it so I'm going to have to bullet point my reactions ; ) (and I will warn you in advance, prepare yourself for a super long comment. I can't help myself, that's just the way I roll ; )

1) Cynthia's giggles on the slide are adorable. Experiencing the joy of simple things through our kids is seriously one of the highlights of motherhood.
2) Ollie running from his cheerleader is so funny, especially because in a few years he will be running after cheerleaders, not away from them!
3)Um, I'm dying laughing over your Cindy wearing a jacket on her legs after her blowout because the exact same thing happened to me with Cam at the car dealership! massive blowout, no change of clothes so he ended up with Brinley's neon pink jacket on his legs. I'm totally sending you the picture!
4)Love the b-day pics of you and Daniel with all your kids. You guys are so so blessed ; )
5) Ollie is such a cute big brother to go bury dinosaur bones for Henry and Lizza. Love him.
6) Your kids have very entertaining taste in headgear ; )
7) I cannot believe Tristan drew that picture! Holy cow! Amazing!
8) Loved Henry's "I can't do it" after the potato sack race..lol!
9) Ollie should seriously do his hair like that! So studly.
10) That last picture makes me so excited to buy boy dress ups for Cam! haha!

Love your family Joanne, you guys always make me smile : )

Corinne Ritz said...

What a seriously awesome month October was for you guys! Some great pictures came out of it! My boys hate anything done with their hair too! For crazy hair day they want to wear it like most of the other boys wear it on normal days. Lizza is really funny. The Screaming/talking snacks being eaten was hilarious!