Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Henry Brandon Flowers Mott

In case you didn’t know, we are big fans of Brandon Flowers and The Killers around here.  For example, the kids turn on Brandon’s solo album, Flamingo, on the ipod in the kitchen upwards of 30 times per day, and the crazy thing is I don’t even mind (because I love it, too).

The bottom line is that Henry has basically decided he wants to be Brandon Flowers when he grows up.  Either that, or he already thinks he is Brandon Flowers – it’s hard to tell. 

He was especially inspired by Brandon’s dancing in the Only the Young music video.  Now whenever he hears that song he has to run stand up on a stool or chair and try his best to copy Brandon’s sweet moves. 

I have a video from the beginning of February of Henry singing the whole song.  My favorite things about this are when he points out his favorite part of the song, and tells me to keep listening.  Also, when he leads the music – the leading kills me.  Also, you know how when you’ve listened to a CD enough times, you always know what the next song is going to be? As soon as the first song is over, Henry says “now the oh’s”, because the next song starts with lots of “oh-oh, oh-oh’s.”  Henry jumps right in singing those oh’s with as much feeling as a 3-year old can. 

And my other favorite thing (non-Henry related) is around the one minute mark when Rachel and Lizza come downstairs in the middle of the video and try to show me that they are dressed like twins.

Here he is just a few days ago rocking out to some more Brandon Flowers, but this time it’s with “his band.” 

A few things:

1.  They performed 3 songs together, but in the interest of time, I edited out a lot of it, just keeping in some of the best moves. 

2.  They don’t really know the words to the first song (Daniel had just downloaded it), but I kept it in because Henry’s dancing is still pretty entertaining. Rachel and Lizza have no idea what they’re doing.

3.  Henry’s furrowed brow and super serious looks!

4.  Oliver.  He joins the band for the second and third songs. Half of him is trying to act like he is too cool for the band, but the other half really thinks he is Brandon Flowers also, and maybe even a better Brandon Flowers than Henry.  That half turns him into the backup singer secretly hoping to replace the lead singer. 

Henry, we love you.


Rebekah said...

hilarious! (i'm afraid my kids are in for a culture shock this next week! the wildest we get around here is the tarzan soundtrack and charlotte church.)

Beccarigg said...

Okay those videos seriously just made my morning! "Mom this is my favorite part, keep listening!" haha! Loved that! I'm so glad Brinley is betrothed to such a studly little guy! Seriously that kid has a future in the entertainment business with those furrowed brows and the way he can work that guitar! LOL! So cute! And Ollie had some pretty awesome faces and moves back there too. He was definitely feeling it!

p.s. Also love that Henry is singing in front of a puzzle in the first vid, sooo Henry!!