Wednesday, March 28, 2012

January 2012

I don’t know why I have put off posting about January for so long.  It just never feels like a very exciting month.

I guess I should give January at least a little bit of respect, because (you are going to be jealous of this if you live somewhere cold) at least in Texas we get some January days that are warm enough to go to the park.  2012 01 02_3065

Tristan was doing a science project involving throwing lots of different kinds of balls and then measuring how far they went, so he and Daniel used the field near our neighborhood pool, and the rest of us played at the playground.  We rode bikes, just for fun.

Here is Henry trying to pose as a super sweet and tender older brother, and Cindy is like, “yeah, right – this kid is going to poke me in the eye as soon as you put away the camera, Mom!”2012 01 02_3095_edited-1

Mountain climbers:                                  2012 01 02_3069

Swingers.  Henry hates swings – I try to get him to swing a little bit each time we go to give him a chance to realize how fun they are, but so far it isn’t working.  He says they stretch out his stomach too much.  Even the next day he kept sighing and then talking about how stretched out he was feeling from all that swinging.2012 01 02_3070

Ollie and Ollie Junior:                             2012 01 02_3071

Tristan working on his science project.  Is it just me, or did he grow up all of a sudden?2012 01 02_3080_edited-1

Rachel crossing the monkey bars away into the sunset:2012 01 02_3074_edited-1

On the cold days in January, the kids did a good job of entertaining themselves inside.  This is a very typical scene of Henry and LIzza – they get out stacks and stacks of puzzles, and then go to work. I’m not sure why Lizza’s making that face.2012 01 30_3699

Lizza is also a fort builder.  She builds multiple forts every day, all around the house.  This fort was for coloring in.2012 01 12_3621

Tristan taught the kids how to make houses and buildings out of folded paper.  Then they would knock them down by driving toy cars into them.  2012 01 20_3660

I bought these fun color tiles, and they love setting up big elaborate lines and then tipping them over like dominoes.  2012 01 25_3649

It turns out the tiles are also good for making blue-haired people:2012 01 26_3640

Tristan and Oliver played on the same basketball team this year, which was fun.2012 01 07_3138

Tristan has decided that basketball is his new favorite sport. 2012 01 07_3141

Three little chefs:                                    2012 01 10_3628

Some pictures of Cynthia being cute:2012 01 10_3631

Pushing some tiny little dinosaurs around in her stroller.  While wearing Henry’s pajamas.  If it weren’t for that fancy necklace, I would think she was a little boy. 2012 01 19_3670

Also, that picture reminds me of myself when I was little:                                           Joanne 2

Back to her girly fanciness in her Sunday dress:2012 01 01_3102

Her very favorite thing to do these days is read.  She carries books around with her everywhere.2012 01 29_37012012 01 23_3658

She is lucky to have so many older siblings to read to her:2012 01 12_36262012 01 23_3652

And speaking of books, here is something funny that Henry and Lizza did in January.  Henry loves the Dr. Seuss book “There’s a Wocket in My Pocket.”  He and Lizza decided to copy the book and set up random little toys all around our house, posing as the things in the book.

(If you haven’t read the book, this will make no sense).

Sometimes we have a feeling there’s a Zlock behind the clock.                    2012 01 30_3685

And that Zelf on the shelf, we have talked to him ourselves.                              2012 01 30_3689

Here is Darth Vader, doing his best impersonation of a Nink in the sink.               2012 01 30_3686

Henry thought this little toy salt shaker would make a good Zillow on the pillow.2012 01 30_3691

And even though this looks like a dinosaur, it is really a Findow in our window.                  2012 01 30_3692

We also had a Zamp in our lamp:                                                                                   2012 01 30_3688

A Nook Gase in our book case:                                                                                      2012 01 30_3694

(I couldn’t figure out why the little frog in the book case was holding a toy banana, but then I looked in the book and saw this picture, and it all made sense. Haha!):                                                                          Nookgase

Here’s a Zower in the shower:                                                                                                2012 01 30_3696

A Wasket (Henry’s blanket) in our basket:                                                        2012 01 30_3697

And a Zall scooting down the hall:                                                                   2012 01 30_3695

And here’s Henry, showing you that the only one he’s really scared of is the Vug under the rug.2012 01 30_3687_edited-1

So I guess we did have a little bit of excitement in January.


Laura said...

i'm for sure going to be you when i grow up. it just seems like it's such fun!

Laura said...

oh, and that was laura. although liesel probably wants to be you, too.

Corinne Ritz said...

Thank you for that great entertainment! Now you should blog February, just to entertain me in the last few weeks of this pregnancy! I love your kids! I love Henry's creative activity based on a fun book. I showed this to my older kids and they thought it looked like so much fun. I think this will be our 'indoor rainy day activity for Spring Break day 7' tomorrow. Thank Henry for us:)
Also, Glenn has been formulating an idea for his science fair project. He is now considering the one Tristan did. Your blog has been very helpful tonight!

Marian said...

you had more excitement in january than we have in a whole year, i think. i love henry's wocket in your pocket creations. i think my favorite picture was henry and cindy in the stroller at the beginning of the post. probably just because of your funny caption, but i laughed and laughed.

KarenB said...

That is so cool that your going bike riding with your whole family! I'm almost motivated to try it. I love that Henry was complaining about his stretched tummy - I don't know why, but it seemed like such a "Mott" thing to say - I could picture your other children saying it when they were littler.

Tristan does look so old, and Cynthia is so adorable!!! I can't believe how fast she's growing. She looks just like your picture (and just like Oliver and Henry to me).

I also love how creative your kids get - I'm going to get that book from the library, read it to the kids, and then show them this post just because I know they would get such a kick out of it. They love looking at your blog with me. They loved the videos on your last post and sometimes have me look through your older videos so we can watch them again. I sure miss you and your sweet family!

Beccarigg said...

Yes I AM jealous that you get to go to the park in January : ) And that pic of you on the bike is darling. You just look like the cutest postcard mom with your bag and stylish capri's. ; ) Henry makes me laugh with his "stretched out stomach" comments. What a funny little guy! Also I need to make the puzzle mania and book reading parties happen at my house. Seriously you inspire me with the wonderful learning environment you have created for your children!
p.s. picture of your 3 little chefs wins cutest pic of the post for me. love it so much!!

Lucy said...

I always save your blog to read last when it comes up on my google reader because I do that with everything I love-- save it for last. Seriously, I love your blog. Your children are funny and creative and smart! Your haircut makes me want to get bangs again...but I never like having to do them. Maybe I will maybe I won't. Either way yours are really great!