Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter 2007

We had a fun Easter, despite the freezing cold weather. Our ward had planned an outdoor egg hunt and BBQ for Saturday, but it was pouring rain and only 37 degrees outside, so there was a change of plans and we had the egg hunt indoors. They actually organized it really well. They had 2 rooms going at a time (Primary and R.S. rooms) and they kept re-setting them up with eggs and then coming into where we were all eating and calling out the kids according to age groups (okay, all the one-year olds go to the primary room, and all the 2-year olds come follow this person to the R.S. room). Then they each were allowed to find 15 eggs.

All the kids loved it. The only sad part of the evening was when we got home and Rachel realized she had left her Easter basket with all her "easters" still in it at the church (my kids think that because they're called Easter baskets, the things you put in them are called "easters". I haven't bothered to correct them). We didn't have time to go back and get it because we were supposed to go straight to a little get-together at our friends' house. She was pretty depressed. Luckily I had an extra easter basket at home and I put some plastic eggs in it. She complained that they were empty, but I reminded her that she had eaten most of the treats out of her eggs at the church anyway.

On Sunday I wanted the girls to be able to wear special Easter dresses so I ran out to the garage and looked through their summer boxes. I found a perfect Easter dress for Rachel (I think it's from Shayne?). It even had a little bunny on it. It was a little long, but all the better for twirling. Lizzy just wore a little outfit that Rachel got for her first birthday, but it seemed Eastery. She didn't really like wearing the hat. And she refused to pose happily for after-church-everyone is grumpy but hurry and take some pictures for the babybooks while you're still in your Sunday clothes-pictures.

Sunday night we watched "The Testaments". Anita gave it to us for Easter. I haven't seen it for awhile (it's the one they did in the Legacy theater). It was a really good one for the kids to make the stories from the Book of Mormon seem real. We watched part of it Sunday and finished the rest for FHE last night. Rachel cried when it was over and said she wanted to watch it again. The boys also loved it, but Oliver said he had bad dreams about Lamanites last night.

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