Monday, April 2, 2007

Hey, who ate all of my raisins?

Not only does Rachel tell me what I'm supposed to be saying in any given situation, but she also is giving me drama lessons. Yesterday we had this conversation:

Rachel: Mom, can I have some of your breakfast because I'm soooo hungry?
Me: Okay, here you go.
Rachel: No, I want a raisin bite. (I was eating Raisin Bran)
Me: Okay.

Rachel then takes several bites, eating all of the raisins. I don't really care because I think there are too many raisins in Raisin Bran anyway.

Rachel: Now say this, Mom, 'Hey, who ate all of my raisins?' and then I'll say 'But it's fair because I think the raisins are so yummy' and then you say 'Okay'.
Me (following instructions): Hey, who ate all of my raisins?
Rachel: But it's fair because I think the raisins are so yummy.
Me: Okay.
Rachel: NO, Mom - when you say 'okay' you have to dump your head down on the table like this and then say it in a really sad voice.

She showed me how it was supposed to look when I "dumped" my head down on the table. It was funny because when she dumped her head down on the table it looked very familiar, and I realized more than ever that when she has her little dramatic moments they might all be carefully planned acts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David- wow where did you get that kid, i'm lucky to have such a funny dramatic niece.