Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Utah Trip: Part One

So, I'm not sure how a 12-day trip to Utah has managed to take up a month of my time, but somehow that's what it did. It was nice to take a little break from blogging, but now it's feeling hard to get back into it. Maybe I will take the easy way and start up again by just posting hundreds and hundreds of pictures from our trip. Just kidding. Kind of. I'll limit myself to only 3 slideshows on this post, and I promise they're not that long.

For starters, we went to Utah about 3 weeks ago for Daniel's brother's wedding. I was so excited to be able to take all the kids - they haven't been back to Utah since we moved 2 years ago.

We flew in the night before the wedding. The flights there actually went really smoothly, and it was so much fun to fly all together as a family. The kids were all really excited about going on the airplane, except Rachel who was pretty nervous at first. She requested to sit by Daniel, and that helped her feel better. It ended up not as scary as she had imagined, and in fact she decided to laugh almost hysterically during the whole takeoff just to show us how much fun she was having, and how not scared she was. And of course, once we were up in the air, the airplane drinks and snacks were a big hit. With a little help from some Boxcar children books, activity books, and hundreds of stickers, things went really well. We then had a 2 1/2 hour layover in Phoenix, which I was not looking forward to, but it ended up being just fine because Lizzy fell asleep right as we landed and then slept almost all the way through our layover. So we had a very peaceful dinner at Wendy's in the airport, with Lizzy asleep in her stroller the whole time.

My sister picked us up at the airport in my mom's van (my parents were out of town and let us use their van during our stay) and then we drove to Daniel's mom's house to sleep. The next day was the wedding, luncheon, and reception. It was so much fun to see everyone again, and the kids loved it. Anthony married a really nice girl named Amber, and Tristan kept saying things like, "This is so weird - I can't believe I have a new aunt and I just met her five minutes ago!"

Weddding and luncheon pictures:

Later that night was the reception. The kids had fun eating good food and dancing around, but got bored quickly, so Daniel's brother-in-law rented a big activity/raquetball room at the reception place and we took all the kids in there and let them color and play around. I think that was the highlight of the evening for them. Tristan didn't stop hitting balls the whole time. He was pretty exhausted by the time we finally went back out to the reception.

Reception pictures:


Tristen said...

Your family is so adorable, seriously, you must be so proud. And your stories of course hilarious as always. :) Makes me want to move to Texas and be your neighbor!

Jennifer M said...

Nice to have you back from your adventures.

Gretchen said...

We miss you guys! Come back. I hope everything is all right with the tornado warning! My Mom called last night and told me you were all in a closet and to pray for your family. That should be worth blogging about. We don't get those in Utah...thats a little bonus you might not have considered.

I am glad you posted. I was looking forward to your pictures and fun descriptions, even though I was there for a lot of it. Thanks for spending time with us. We had a really good time.

Beccarigg said...

Oh my gosh I love your airplane pics! Especially the ones of the kids getting ready for take off, with Lizzy's HUGE grin and Rachel's sick face, those are just classic!

Teya went through lots of stickers too on our way to Utah. It's a 4and 1/2 hour flight so we also went through a couple tubes of play-dough, bubbles, coloring books, and of course our trusty Dora videos (thank goodness for mini-dvd players!)

p.s. Your family picture at the reception is beautiful! you guys all look so great!