Monday, July 14, 2008

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July this year. We spent most of the day with our friends the Bates, starting with a barbeque and root-beer floats, then driving outside the city limits to blow some things up, and ending by watching one of the city's firework shows.

Root beer floats with the Bates

Daniel surprising us all with his "arts and crafts" side, as he builds various structures to blow up

The kids getting ready for some firework fun

An innocent little house, unaware of what is about to hit it

Everyone crowding around to "help"

Ready to light

Investigating the damage. There were several army guys who did not survive, much to the delight of everyone investigating.

Rachel wearing her favorite patriotic vest. She looks forward to the 4th of July every year, just so she can wear it. It's going to be a sad day next year when it gets passed down to Lizzy.

Oliver and Tristan trying to set things on fire with their sparklers

Four happy sparkler kids


Beccarigg said...

Oh man, reading that just made me start craving root beer floats in a serious way! Dang, now I'm not going to be able to think about anything else till I get me one! : )

Looks like a super fun 4th of July! Rachel is too cute in her patriotic vest. And I must say, Lizzy seems like the happiest child ever! She always has the hugest smile on her face!

Gretchen said...

This year I was watching our little production with our neighbors and I laughed because I thought Adam looked a little out of place with all the other dads. He would get so excited building platforms with all the other fireworks and making a point to tell us the name of every firework he would light. It made me think of what a great time we had with you guys at our home a few years ago. I think Daniel helped him embrace a little of his clepto tendencies and now there is no shame.

Eliza said...

What a party! Our 4th sadly involved no explosions of any kind (accept the city ones I guess).