Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hooray for Kiddie Kandid's free Birthday Club Pictures

I know this is my second post today, but I'm sitting here having lots of contractions and wondering when this baby is going to come (I'm due on Sunday and was dilated to a 3 at the doctor's today) and I just wanted to really quick post these cute pictures of Oliver, Rachel, and Lizza while I have a chance.

Since those three all have summer birthdays (Tristan's the odd man out in December), I usually take them in to Kiddie Kandids all together to get their free birthday 8x10s. These are just the little proofs that they emailed to me.

Oliver (will turn 6 on August 17th)

Rachel (will turn 4 on July 30th)

Elizabeth (turned 2 last month)

I might be posting a lot of pictures in the next few days until the baby comes. I feel like I have to get it done now because I can't picture myself being able to do anything productive for a long time once I have five kids.

Either that, or I'll just sit around and blog all day because I'll have a good excuse.

1 comment:

Diane said...

You have extremely beautiful children!
Love, Diane