Sunday, March 29, 2009

Greener Eating

So, last month my sisters and I (and my mom) started a little blog so we could share healthy recipes with each other. The recipes are all vegan (no meat, no dairy, etc.), but I promise even normal people have been known to enjoy them.

It's still a work in progress, but you are welcome to take a look.


Poppy said...

I made the sling was super easy, no sewing skills required! Just get 5 yards (or 5 1/2 to're taller than me!) of a cheap knit fabric and cut it about 20" wide...voila, you have a baby wrap. They cost upward of $40 if you buy one, but I made 3 of them for $15. I did sew a pocket on the front, but it is not necessary. I am going to make another one in a lighter colored fabric because it gets warm in there when we are out in the sun. If you make one, let me know and i will send you the you tube link that shows you all different ways to tie them on. Love reading stories about your funny kids.

Jesse said...

I scanned through the recipes and they look great!

Now I'm curious. Do you stick to a vegan diet?

Beccarigg said...

I love recipe blogs, Especially ones with pictures! I'm excited to try out some of your recipes. (that first one with the potatoes looks good!)

So I have the same question as Jesse, have you gone strictly Vegan?

Joanne said...

Poppy - Yay! You had me at "no sewing skills required." I for sure want to make some - I'll send you an email.

Jesse, Becca - We're kind of a funny mix. At home I like to cook mainly vegan meals, but when we go out to eat I kind of eat whatever (although I've never been a big fan of meat, I do still love ice-cream, cheese, any sort of dessert, etc.) We figure if the bulk of our meals are vegan, we'll be a little healthier, and right now that's what works for us.