Friday, June 26, 2009


Sometimes I forget that Elizabeth is Cinderella and I'm the evil Stepmother.

For example, the other day, I thought she was just being extra helpful when she ran to the drawer in the kitchen, pulled out a cloth, and started scrubbing the kitchen floor. "Wow", I thought. "What other 2-year old (she was still 2 then) is such a good little worker?"

I should have gotten suspicious when she asked me to "pour a little bucket of water on the floor" so she could "scrub it around", but I thought she just wanted to be extra thorough.

I decided a small cupful of water poured on the floor wouldn't hurt (I'm not one to complain about the way my floors are getting cleaned). Then I got out the camera to take a picture because she looked so darn cute scrubbing away, and that's when the truth came out. She gave me her best mournful/abused/"woe is me" look and said:

"Stepmother - why do I always have to clean up the floor? Huh?"


Beccarigg said...

oh my goodness! I'm so happy you got that on camera, PRICELESS! I can't believe she actually called you stepmother! That is too too funny!

Laura said...

laughing, laughing, laughing. she and gretchen would get along well right now. gretchy accused me of giving her tons of jobs so i didn't have to do any. i offered to switch jobs with her for the day and she was all excited until i mentioned that i have to load the dishwasher. "i'll just skip that one, mom."
i'm glad you got her priceless cinderella reenactment on video. it will be fun to show her when she's a mom.

Audra said...


Marian said...

so funny. i still can't get over her voice!