Monday, September 28, 2009

Henry's new smile

We finally started getting some rain around here last week, which is happy news. One afternoon while the boys were gone and the girls were still napping, Henry and I went out to sit on the front porch and enjoy the cooler weather while it lasted (which wasn't long).

Henry was loving it and being extra cute, so I got out my camera and started taking a bunch of pictures. You know when kids go through that stage where you can't get them to do a normal smile because as soon as they see the camera they scrunch up their eyes and make a really goofy looking face because they're trying so hard to do what they think is a smile? Well, I think Henry's there.

At first, everything was normal - he was pretty much ignoring the camera, but once in while giving a genuine smile in my direction:

After awhile I think all the camera attention started getting to him, though, because he started doing this weird little cheesy face:

And now when I get out the camera he does this:
Or this:
Or this:

He has also figured out about the little screen on the back of the digital camera, and demands to see the "baby" after every picture. He seems very pleased with his new look. He's starting to act so old - I think my baby is growing up.

(I don't really let him play in the dryer - he just happened to climb in once when I was switching some loads, and he was only too happy to pose for some pictures.)


Eliza said...

Well he's still dang cute even with a little goofiness. The cool weather does look refreshing.

Diane said...

I love those smiles! At least he smiles and doesn't frown...

Poppy said...

What a cutie...Dylan is just starting to get over that phase! Once in a while I can get a decent smile!

Laura said...

he is so cute! is his hair getting darker? how grown up! i love recognizing the clo he's in.

Beccarigg said...

Scrolling through those pics was hilarious! Brinley is the same way every time I pull out the camera. HUGE cheesy smile that scrunches up her entire face and makes her eyes disappear. It's to the point that even if you just shine a light in her face she'll think it's the camera and smile and say "Geeeez!"

His scrunchie face is adorable though, and those last few were just priceless! I seriously love me some Henry!

KarenB said...

I can't believe he looks so old already. He's adorable!
I'm also impressed with Lizzy learning her states - I love her songs! We'll have to watch old yeller sometime. We listened to the book on tape, but hadn't thought of getting the movie. Sounds like it's good!