Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Let's Not Tell Them. . .

We were at a little Christmas party with Tristan's football team (yes, football has been over for awhile, but they always do these little get-together things) and at the end one of the other coaches dressed up like Santa Claus and came out to let the kids sit on his lap. Daniel pulled the boys aside and reminded them to not say anything about Santa not being real, because the other kids all thought he was. Oliver replied, "what about the other grown-ups? Should we not tell them he's not real, either?" We told him that the grown-ups probably already knew, but to not say anything, just in case. Oliver was very suspicious of the whole affair, and kept looking around at everyone trying to figure out what they thought of Santa Claus. He did end up going to sit on Santa's lap, though, and he got a little sack of candy, so after that he and Santa were great friends.

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