Monday, December 18, 2006

What if?

Tristan and Oliver often like to think of weird or crazy situations and imagine what it would be like if they were true, and Rachel has started copying them, which is fine, of course, except when it happens during Sacrament meeting.

Yesterday at church, she stood up on her chair, and then in her "whisper voice" that is just a tiny bit softer than a yell, she asked me, "Mom, what if we only had ONE toy, and we didn't have ANY house, and we didn't have ANY clothes and we had to live outside, and WE WERE NAKEY?" As I quickly tried to "shush" her and pretend that people weren't looking at us, she kept asking loudly, "would you be sad if that happened, Mom?" and she wouldn't give up until I answered that "yes, I would be sad if we only had one toy and no house or clothes and we lived outside and were nakey."

I wonder why she was still allowing us to have one toy. It's like she couldn't imagine life with absolutely no toys, so she had to throw just one in there to make the situation a little more realistic. For some reason that particular combination of hardships has become her favorite thing to talk about, and she keeps mentioning it to me. I think she feels cool and grown-up to be able to imagine something soooo drastic, like, "wow, I am really thinking about the end of the world, here".

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