Monday, October 29, 2007

Updating The Blog

Now that I'm finally attempting to update this blog, I'm going to try to fill in the gap a little - I haven't posted anything for over a year, so I'm going to start going through my old journal entries* and then I'll copy and paste any fun stories that I find onto the blog.

I'm going to change the dates of each post to match the date that it was actually written, so that it will all make sense in the archives. So don't be surprised if all of a sudden lots of new posts start showing up that say they were posted sometime last year (I know it's a little sneaky to pretend that I've been posting all along, but hey, it's my blog, right?)

*When I say "journal entries", I actually mean old emails/letters that I have written to my family and then saved in a big Word document that I call my journal. That's about as close to journal writing as I get these days. So don't worry - they aren't really "dear diary" sort of entries.

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