Friday, September 5, 2008

Holding Henry and Other Things We Did in August

I thought I'd do a big photo update to show what we've been up to lately.

We spend a lot of time doing this. Everyone fights for their turn.

Here's our little man at two weeks old:

And again at three weeks:

And by one month old he was ready to watch his first BYU football game. Go Cougars!


*Said goodbye to family and friends

Here the kids are with Grandma Orva and Uncle David before they left to go back to Utah. We had so much fun while they were here!

That same day we also had to say goodbye to our friends the Bates, who moved to Utah. It was a sad day. I'm hoping that someday we will move or they will move and we will miraculously end up next-door neighbors again like we were meant to be. (Note to the Bates: Lizza wants William back. She asks about you guys daily, and has started mentioning your whole family in her prayers. Just so you know.)

*Relaxed at the pool

*Got thrown in the pool by Dad

Rachel much preferred this:

And was not a big fan of this:

Or this:

*Practiced flag football in the backyard

So we could be ready for this (real football practice):

Tristan's playing tackle now. He loves it. I can't watch.

Oliver started flag this year. He loves it. Daniel coaches him.

*Waited for rain

*And waited for rain some more. . .

*And then played in the rain when it finally came


Jesse said...

I wanna be part of your family. You guys have so much fun!

Marian said...

i can't believe tristan is playing tackle football! speaking of which, could you believe the byu game on saturday? amazing. anyway, very cute pictures, and fun to know what you guys were doing in august.

KarenB said...

Aww! We miss you guys so much so often! Your posts make me sad. I do hope you move out here and we can be next door neighbors soon as we're meant to be. I'm so glad you do such a great job updating your blog even though it makes me sad so I can stay updated!
I should let you know that we're doing great now - after that awful first day of homeschooling - things went much better. I can now say that I LOVE it and we're having a good time. I'll have to tell you more about it later. Thanks for sharing your sweet pictures!!!

Beccarigg said...

Hey Joanne, like you, I read blogs while nursing so it sometimes takes me awhile to get around to commenting too! I always love your blog though and like watching the slideshows while I nurse : ) You have such a cute family and you guys are always doing such fun things! Seeing that picture of the kids playing football in the yard totally makes me want to have a big family! I just think it's so fun when brothers and sisters can play together and be best friends (I have 7 siblings and I loved it!)

Anyway, thanks for the August update and all the great pics. Henry is a doll by the way and the BYU shirts on all three boys is priceless!