Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Disgruntled Knight

This is what happens when you try to sleep in on Saturday morning so you take your baby upstairs to the playroom and ask his older siblings to please take good care of him:


Poppy said...

What a cute little knight...even with the grumpy face. I hope that they were at least quiet so that you got some sleep!

Laura said...

oh, he's so cute! he's way, way, way older-looking than when he was at our house. did the older siblings abandon him, or is he just wandering away looking to be rescued by his fair maiden (you)? i'm glad there are boy dress-up clo. i'm going to have to invest in some, i can tell. it would be nice to have a knight who can rescue all the princesses running around my house.

Beccarigg said...

I bet you were cracking up when you found him like that! So stinking cute. Is he walking already too? What a big boy!

Marian said...

too funny! what a handsome knight! is he walking around? he seems so much older than i was picturing.

Joanne said...

He can stand for awhile and take one step, but that's it so far - not really walking around.

He's grumpy in the picture because he had been brought downstairs by the older kids to show me, and instead of rescuing him from his unwanted dress-up finery, I was just taking pictures.