Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer Schedule

Today I started my new "summer schedule". It was great. We went to the park this morning, then the kids played outside while I put Lizzy down for a nap and cleaned up inside, then I called them in for "work time" and while I cleaned the kitchen (Monday is kitchen day for me) I gave each of them a job in the kitchen - Tristan wiped down our benches and chairs, Oliver wiped down the whole underneath side of the table and the legs, and Rachel dusted the bottom two feet of the blinds (that's all she could reach) and washed the baseboards. It was so nice to have helpers, and they had a fun time and got to check off their charts and get a penny.

Then we had study time and worked on math (Monday is math day). Tristan and Oliver did math worksheets and Rachel and I did a counting game on the computer. By the time we finished, Lizzy was awake and it was time for lunch. It was a good morning.
Tomorrow the plan is to go swimming instead of the park, and then we'll be cleaning in the family room/hall/front porch area and doing geography study time. We'll see how long we can keep this up.

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