Saturday, August 11, 2007

"It's a Miracle!"

A few days ago the kids were upstairs playing, and I could hear Rachel running around hollering, "It's a MIRACLE! It's a MIIIIRACLE!" over and over again. Later when we were eating breakfast I asked her what the miracle had been and she refused to tell me.

I'm not sure how she learned that word, because I certainly didn't teach it to her, but it has become quite a favorite. This morning when she woke up, her legs were still really sore from getting her shots yesterday, and she couldn't bend them very well at all. Then after breakfast she was able to climb down off the bench all by herself, and she called out, "Mom! It's a miracle! I bent my legs and got down all by myself!" She continued like that all morning - "Mom, did you see that? It was a miracle! I was able to lean down, even though I got shots yesterday! Oh, this is such a miracle!"

It has just been so funny to me that I haven't sat down with her to talk about what might or might not count as a miracle. I think she did start to wonder a little, because after one of the times, she looked up and asked me quietly, "Was that a miracle?", but I was trying too hard not to laugh to give a good answer - I think I just said something like, "Well, it was sure amazing and I'm really glad you were able to do it. It looks like your legs are starting to get better."

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