Thursday, August 9, 2007

Leftover Yoga

Funny yoga story: Today we were getting ready to go to the pool, and the kids were all waiting for me to finish packing stuff up and get Lizzy changed and all that. And, I don't know about your households, but at mine, when the 3 older are all ready for some event and they're waiting because it's not quite time to go, that's when the trouble starts. It's like they think extra hard to come up with something to entertain themselves in the 5 minute empty time slot, and it always amounts to much goofiness and wildness.

Anyway, today's incident was more funny than stressful to me: I heard lots of laughter and silliness, and looked up and saw Tristan, Oliver, and Rachel doing crazy and wild Yoga poses that I have never seen before. Rachel came running over full of giggles and said, "Mom, we're just doing Leftover Yoga", and then they all busted up laughing and continued with the funny poses.

It turned out that Oliver was entertaining the other two (they give him that job a lot) and he was making up all different kinds of Yoga, each with it's own sort of pose. I guess one of the favorite kinds was Leftover Yoga. I don't know how he came up with that.

Now whenever I'm doing yoga and I can tell I'm not doing a pose quite right, I think to myself that maybe I'm just doing "Leftover Yoga", and then I usually laugh and fall over.

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