Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Belly Buttons and Aliens

Last night I was reading to Tristan from a book about the human body (Oliver picked it out at Barnes and Noble with his birthday money). There was a picture of a fetus inside a womb, and Tristan pointed out the umbilical cord and was asking questions about it. He wanted to know if it was always connected to the belly button. I said yes, and told him that the reason we had belly buttons was because of the umbilical cord. He immediately asked, "So, what about Adam and Eve? Did they not have belly buttons?"

I have always known he would ask a lot of questions, but I couldn't believe how quickly he thought of that. I have never even considered it before, and I've known about umbilical cords for a long time. His brain is much too quick for me. And I'm a little worried about when we get to the section in the book about the reproductive system. Maybe we'll skip that part for now.

Actually, I just remembered a funny thing about that, though. Oliver had been looking through this same book after he had just gotten it, and he was really excited to show me a certain page. He kept calling it the alien page. I was a little sceptical, but never investigated. Then I was reading it to them a few nights ago, and Oliver asked if we could skip ahead to the alien page, so I said, sure. He then turned a few pages and started laughing and laughing at one of the pictures, and then said, "see, Mom? I told you there was an alien page! What is this? Doesn't it look like an alien?" It turns out it was a picture of the female reproductive organs. Somehow he thought it was an alien. He's off to a great start with understanding women.

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