Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Notes on Rachel

Rachel is a great little 3-year old. She has started prefacing lots of her comments and explanations with “here’s the story about this”, or “listen to the story, Mom”. They are usually not even stories at all – just regular old sentences about things she wants to tell me, like the fact that she used the stool to get up on the toilet. When she’s done making her comment she’ll ask if I think it was a good story or not.

Daniel took her to Barnes and Noble so she could pick something out with some of her birthday money, and she chose a little princess dress-up magnet set. She loves it and plays with it all the time.

She also recently figured out how to draw princesses, and she’s starting to spend a lot of time coloring with Oliver and Tristan.

She still says a lot of funny grown-up things to me that make me laugh. Her most recent one is, “That just doesn’t make any sense, Mom.” She loves to tell me that.

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